Artem Sizykh

Artem Sizykh


Artem Sizykh


СамоИрония судьбы
Традиционная встречи давних друзей в бане приводит к известным последствиям. Музыкальные звезды, актеры и комики разыгрывают самые узнаваемые сцены из любимых новогодних советских фильмов и исполняют знакомые всем песни.
СамоИрония судьбы
Традиционная встречи давних друзей в бане приводит к известным последствиям. Музыкальные звезды, актеры и комики разыгрывают самые узнаваемые сцены из любимых новогодних советских фильмов и исполняют знакомые всем песни.
Тень совы
Pavel Vladimirovich Savin (nickname Sova — the Owl) has long wanted to leave his business. To this end he advances Denis for the post of city head. Things are going smoothly, but suddenly Denis is kidnapped by his own employees. As he is taken away in an unknown direction, Denis tries to remember what it is that he has done to draw all these troubles upon himself.
Тень совы
Pavel Vladimirovich Savin (nickname Sova — the Owl) has long wanted to leave his business. To this end he advances Denis for the post of city head. Things are going smoothly, but suddenly Denis is kidnapped by his own employees. As he is taken away in an unknown direction, Denis tries to remember what it is that he has done to draw all these troubles upon himself.
Тень совы
Pavel Vladimirovich Savin (nickname Sova — the Owl) has long wanted to leave his business. To this end he advances Denis for the post of city head. Things are going smoothly, but suddenly Denis is kidnapped by his own employees. As he is taken away in an unknown direction, Denis tries to remember what it is that he has done to draw all these troubles upon himself.