Stephen Brimson Lewis


Royal Shakespeare Company: Richard III
Art Designer
Young Richard of Gloucester uses the chaos of the Wars of the Roses to begin his unscrupulous climb to power in this classic Shakespearean history of a king in the throes of jealousy and murder. Despite being manifestly unfit to govern, he overcomes each obstacle in his way to seize the crown, as King Richard III. But as those around him turn against him, and as his plans begin to unravel, where else can he turn as the Lancastrian opposition returns to drag the country into battle once more and put an end to Richard’s tyrannical rule. Richard III is a savagely comic analysis of the exercise of power, reminding us of the dangers of tyranny and our duty not to let it go unchecked.
RSC Live: The Tempest
Production Design
On a distant island a man waits. Robbed of his position, power and wealth, his enemies have left him in isolation. But this is no ordinary man, and this no ordinary island. Prospero is a magician, able to control the very elements and bend nature to his will. When a sail appears on the horizon, he reaches out across the ocean to the ship that carries the men who wronged him. Creating a vast magical storm he wrecks the ship and washes his enemies up on the shore. When they wake they find themselves lost on a fantastical island where nothing is as it seems.
National Theatre Live: No Man's Land
Costume Design
One summer's evening, two ageing writers, Hirst and Spooner, meet in a Hampstead pub and continue their drinking into the night at Hirst's stately house nearby. As the pair become increasingly inebriated, and their stories increasingly unbelievable, the lively conversation soon turns into a revealing power game, further complicated by the return home of two sinister younger men.
National Theatre Live: No Man's Land
Set Designer
One summer's evening, two ageing writers, Hirst and Spooner, meet in a Hampstead pub and continue their drinking into the night at Hirst's stately house nearby. As the pair become increasingly inebriated, and their stories increasingly unbelievable, the lively conversation soon turns into a revealing power game, further complicated by the return home of two sinister younger men.
RSC Live: Henry V
Production Design
Henry IV is dead and Hal is King. With England in a state of unrest, he must leave his rebellious youth behind, striving to gain the respect of his nobility and people. Laying claim to parts of France and following an insult from the French Dauphin, Henry gathers his troops and prepares for a war that he hopes will unite his country. Gregory Doran continues his exploration of Shakespeare's History Plays with Henry V performed in the 600th anniversary year of the Battle of Agincourt. Following his performance as Hal in Henry IV Parts I & II Alex Hassell returns as Henry V.
RSC Live: Henry IV Part 1
Production Design
With his crown under threat from enemies both foreign and domestic, Henry IV prepares for war. Having deposed the previous king, he is only too aware how tenuous his position is, and the price to be paid if he falters.
Ричард II
Set Designer
О судьбе короля Англии Ричарда II и захвате власти его двоюродным братом Генрихом Болингброком, впоследствии ставшим королем Генрихом IV.
Little Angelita
A little girl finds out her big voice can come in handy in an emergency.
Production Design
Годы Второй мировой войны. Макс — обаятельный молодой человек, который после роковой встречи с немецким солдатом вынужден бежать, чтобы спасти свою жизнь. В конце концов Макс оказывается в концентрационном лагере, где он скрывает ото всех свою сексуальную ориентацию и притворяется евреем, потому что в глазах нацистов геи — самая низкая форма человека. В заключении Макс встречает открытого гея, который помогает ему переосмыслить многое.