Dell Aldrich


To Live Again
A loopy mother locks her teenage daughter in her room after allegedly showing signs of being crazy. Over a decade later, somebody finally investigates, removes the daughter from the mother's care, and attempts to rehabilitate the daughter.
Woman #2
Его зовут Майкл. Он живет где-то в захолустье, в прогорающем мотеле посреди штата Айова. Он любитель выпивки, женщин и праздной жизни. Он просто ангел… Не верите? У него, как и положено, есть крылья.
Весь огромный мир
Mrs. Hemphill
Фильм рассказывает о начинающей писательнице Новелин Прайс, завязавшей роман с автором книг о Конане Бобом Ховардом.
Deadly Family Secrets
Judge McCarney
A New York executive, Martha, witnesses a murder and discovers that the killer is her new brother-in-law. When her sister is nearly killed and her sister's children kidnapped to silence her, she must unravel the mystery behind the murder to save the kids and see justice served.
Texas Justice
When a Texas millionaire marries his mistress, a bitter divorce battle, two deaths, an FBI sting operation, and criminal trials ensue.