Father Gianni
В поисках причин жуткой одержимости маленького мальчика экзорцист Габриэле Аморт узнаёт и раскрывает многовековой заговор, который Ватикан отчаянно пытался скрыть.
An American voice-over artist in London finds himself questioning his life of hookups and emotional avoidance when he receives an unexpected visit from his mother.
Франческо с двумя дочерьми переезжает в загородный особняк. Старшая дочь тяжело больна. Она не встает с постели и за ней присматривает медсестра. Периодически у нее случаются приступы во время которых затрудняется дыхание. Младшая дочь часто убегает в лес и прячется в доме. Но Франческо больше нужно беспокоиться не о дочерях.
Valerio Mastandrea is Franz, a night bus driver on the airport route who owes a lot of money from poker debts. He's stumbled upon by the variously named Leila, a thief who has accidentally become wrapped up in a secretive blackmail deal involving the President. As the film unfolds, a secret war between factions of the Security Services, a series of confusions among the various criminal fraternities whose activites have been touched upon by the deal, and Leila's past all complicate the situation.
Alessandro Corso is a special forces carabiniere. During an operation he saves a child but cause the death of one of his comrades. He's then transferred to a peaceful little town, where he will be unexpectedly forced to help an hot witness named Antavleva, protecting her and bringing them safely to the trial.