Helena Rojo

Helena Rojo

Рождение : 1944-08-18, Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico


Helena Rojo
Helena Rojo


Amor letra por letra
Work colleagues Hanna and Amanda are unexpectedly laid off. Since Amanda is leaving town, Hanna deposits both of their severance checks into her account. Unfortunately, Hanna screwed up and the money went somewhere it wasn’t intended – which puts her on a direct collision course with some eligible and not so eligible bachelors. Now, between her search for a new job and her hilarious forays into babysitting Amanda’s son, Hanna has to find and retrieve the loot in this hilarious misadventure that proves romance happens where and when you least expect it.
Luces de la noche
On a whim, a retired gentleman decides to track down an old girlfriend from decades back.
Guerrero Negro
Más allá del deseo
Sea creature who looks like a human girl takes the place of a couple's drowned daughter. She grows up into a beautiful woman who wears very little clothing, and she2 meets a young man and they fall in love. Then...
Los años de Greta
Elderly woman bonds with other senior citizens for emotional support.
Muerte Ciega
Motel of Death
Murders take place in and around a hotel. Debuted on Mexican TV.
Don't Panic
Mrs. Smith
On his 17th birthday, a boy named Michael has a surprise party thrown by his friends, where a session with a Ouija board accidentally unleashes a demon named Virgil, who possesses one of them to go on a killing spree. Michael, now plagued by violent nightmares and premonitions, sets out to try and stop the killings.
Lovers, Partners & Spies
Retired international police agent, now suburban housewife, is asked by her former partner to help him catch a serial killer.
Reto a la vida
Elena Sandoval
Carlos has spent four years in prison for selling drugs. When he's released he finds out his brother has become a drug addict and is locked in a psychiatric hospital. Carlos starts working to cure his brother when he befriends a street kid and falls for social worker Elena.
La víspera
Aging politicians who have faded from the public eye hold a cocktail party to celebrate one friend's appointment to the President's Cabinet. Illusions are indulged, illusions are shattered.
In the Land of Light Feet
During his vacations, 12-year-old Manuel travels by train with his mother to the Sierra Tarahumara to spend a few days with his father, who works in the mountains with the indigenous people protecting nature. Manuel befriends Jesus, who takes him to his town and teaches him the customs of his own. Both children discover illegal loggers.
Noche de juerga
Spur-of-the-moment nightclub hookup leaves a straying husband framed for a murder.
A soap opera actor is mixed in a real drama very similar to what he represents in his work.
La Sucesión
Political intrigue drama which aired dimly, some of the most common vices Latin American government systems, at least hypothetically and not still be scenarios. Its characters have the dictator whose intentions are to inherit the power to his son, little interest in the issue. In a moment in which he is forced to decide who will succeed him, other characters see the opportunity to replace him in the supreme command of this country without a name.
Crónica íntima
Mexican feature film
Дети Санчеса
Картина о жизни мексиканца Хесуса Санчеса и его детей. Хесус — овдовевший фермер, он трудится не покладая рук, чтобы обеспечить свою семью. Впрочем, он не только труженик — Санчес любит женщин, а еще бывает довольно агрессивен. Так, он груб и очень требователен по отношению к своей дочери Консуэло , которая хочет вырваться из-под контроля отца. Девушка делится своими проблемами с бабушкой Пакитой , которая советует Консуэло поскорее выскочить замуж...
The House in the South
Indian village experiences forced relocation; their experience is paralleled by that of other groups dating back to the 18th century.
A Romanian aristocrat retreats to a desert isle with his wife and servants on the eve of World War II.
Большое приключение Зорро
Тяжелое время наступило в Калифорнии — здесь бесчинствуют и бандиты, и солдаты. Дон Диего де ла Вега — человек высокого происхождения, и не может открыто выступать против произвола, но как Зорро он не жалея сил защищает угнетенных, отмечая свои подвиги буквой Z. Однако когда на Педро, брата Диего, нападает грабитель и оставляет на месте преступления знаменитое Z, Зорро должен найти преступника и очистить свое имя.
Темнее ночи
Четверо девушек переезжают в старинный дом, доставшийся в наследство одной из них по завещанию умершей от сердечного приступа тёти. Единственное условие этого завещания — присматривать за любимым чёрным котом графини, Бекером.
Mary, Mary, Bloody Mary
Mexican horror film about an American painter named Mary who is living in Mexico where she sells her works and also kills people for their blood. It turns out Mary is a vampire but not the traditional one with fangs. Since she has no fangs she must stab or slash the throats of her victims but soon she has a new man in her life as well as a mysterious man in black who appears to be doing the same type of murders.
Los perros de Dios
Fantasy-life of an upper-class girl overwhelmed with spiritual questions.
Those Years
Emperatriz Carlota
President Juárez fights against the conservatives, who have ordered an emperor to be brought from France to govern Mexico
The Cubs
After having his genitals brutally mutilated during childhood, a man must face prejudice and himself.
Агирре, гнев божий
Inés de Atienza
После завоевания и разграбления испанцами государства Инков возникла легенда о сказочно богатой стране Эльдорадо, которая затерялась в бесчисленных болотах бассейна Амазонки.
El payo - un hombre contra el mundo!
Series western, adaptation of a popular comic-book.
Angels and Cherubs
A tragic celestial-western that explores Adam and Eve's paradise from a surreal point of view.
Queen Doll
A man becomes more and more infatuated with his childhood sweetheart leading to a haunting encounter with horror.
A young man inherits a broken down estate at the edge of the Peruvian desert, with no explanation about the former owners or what had become of the once thriving house.
End of the Party
A motorcycle gang goes to a mansion where a party is being held and joy turns into tragedy.
Una vez, un hombre...
Young factory worker becomes apprentice to an alchemist, and he ends up going to the moon to repair equipment belonging to The Three Fates.
Вкус мести
Rina Pittman
Несколько бандитов убивают владельца небольшого ранчо. Причины этого убийства остаются неизвестны. Жена покойного берет с сына Джада обещание отомстить за смерть отца. Она нанимает ему хорошего учителя по имени Хак, который учит парня обращаться с оружием. Молодой человек оказался очень способным учеником, но, к сожалению, так и не смог понять, что нужно иметь тормоза и быть хладнокровным. Постепенно он выслеживает часть бандитов, причастных к смерти его отца, но, убив их, оказывается перед выбором: либо пойти в тюрьму и впоследствии быть повешенным, либо согласиться работать у некоего Сэма Питмана, который имеет влияние на местного шерифа и сможет убедить его оставить парня в покое. Естественно Джад принимает предложение Питмана, тем более, что он влюблен в его сестру Рину. Однако работа эта связана с убийствами и постепенно их становится всё больше и больше и бывший учитель Джада вынужден начать на него охоту.
Siempre hay una primera vez
Isabel (segment "Isabel")
El cinico
Woman at Party (uncredited)
Traveling salesman's amoral/sometimes criminal behavior catches up with him after he settles in at his brother's vinyard.
The Young Animals
A boarding house where four girls stay, each with their own personal problems.
Los amigos
Ambition, social climbing and insincerity shape the emotional climate among a circle of young professionals launching their careers.