Núria Esquerra


Shooting for Mirza
Mirza Delibašić was one of the most outstanding European basketball players of the 70s. Beyond his sporting achievements, he is still remembered by those who knew him for his eccentric personality and his love for his country. Being the son of an Olympic champion and national treasure is not easy. Danko retraces the footsteps of his father as he embarks on a journey that will take him to his childhood memories of the war and to today's Sarajevo in order to understand and challenge what it means to be a hero.
The memory of Piero Portaluppi, a Milanese architect who reached the peak of his fame during the 20 years of the Fascist regime, comes back to life, both through the rediscovery of his work today and in a previously unpublished film diary in 16 mm, shot and edited throughout his lifetime. A man of great charm and power, Portaluppi lived through a grandiose but tragic era with ironic detachment, as if dancing across things as he created beauty. History marches on implacably, radically transforming the arena in which the eclectic artist and his large family lived and worked.
Salvador is a rising star in the national boxing team of Equatorial Guinea. He embodies the chance for the African team to finally take part in the Olympics but has to struggle with a life of poverty with his girlfriend Luna and his own lack of discipline.
Падающая звезда
Историческая драма о недолгом, но ярком времени правления Амадея Савойского, известного под именем короля Амадея. В разрываемой междоусобицами Испании взошедший на трон бывший герцог д`Аоста пытается обезопасить себя, уединившись за стенами королевского дворца. Страдая от скуки и вынужденного безделья, король и его свита все больше погружаются в увеселительные амурные интриги — но реальность мира за пределами королевского двора то и дело дает о себе знать.
Of all my uncles, Rodolfo was the only one who didn't want to be a blacksmith like my grandfather: He wanted to be a dancer. The search for the traces of his life leads to the discovery that in the eighties in Paraguay, under Stroessner's dictatorship, Rodolfo was included in one of the "108 lists of homosexuals", arrested and tortured. Rodolfo's story reveals a part of the hidden and silenced history of my country. In "Cuchillo de palo" two generations come face to face in a confrontation that ultimately allows each of us to understand our place in the world.
Two Letters for Ana
Two Letters for Ana
Post Production Supervisor
В городе Сильви
Молодой человек проводит несколько дней и ночей в полном шумов и теней, летнем гулком городе в поисках девушки, однажды им виденной в кафе «Les Aviateurs» несколько лет назад.
Work in Progress
An author spends a year and a half filming what happens as a new apartment building is built in a neighborhood of Barcelona.