Bernardo Peña


The Debt Of Maximillian
Maximillian (Max) has a serious addiction his family knows nothing about. He places bets with his friend Charlie, but Charlie has become disappointed with Max's lack of control. Max starts to beg family and friends for large sums of money, but no one's willing to help. Even his successful older brother has doubts about why he needs the money. His younger brother Kyle might be his only hope, but he's in a little bit of trouble pocketing money from his "side" gig. With bank letters threatening to take his house, he becomes more desperate for quick money. He thinks all he needs is just one more sure bet to keep him above water, but luck plays a wicked game.
Bring Me an Avocado
When a violent encounter leaves Robin in a coma, her family struggles to maintain a life while managing their grief.
Месть: История любви
Lt. Brand
Напряженная драма о матери-одиночке, едва не погибшей после зверского изнасилования, совершенного на глазах ее маленькой дочери. Когда родители насильников-подростков, выпущенных под залог, нанимают известного адвоката, сами жертвы и их показания подвергаются уничижительным нападкам. Но одновременно у героинь появляется решительный и безжалостный защитник
Curse of the Mayans
Mark Parsons
Danielle Noble (played by Carla Ortiz) and her team of expert cave divers led by an ambitious american archaeologist (Steve Wilcox), undertake an expedition in search of the lost Mayan Library, without imagining they will instead find the hidden gates of hell known as Xib'alb'a.
José, a Bolivian retired general, is lying on his deathbed after a heart attack. Tormented by memories of his involvement in Operation Condor and invaded by deep remorse, he decides to tell his only son his biggest secrets in search of redemption.
Завершая игру
Remi Nguyen
In 1973, martial arts great Bruce Lee died, his final film, Game of Death, left unfinished. With the public hungry for more Lee, movie execs decide to find a replacement. This outrageous satire looks at the entire process, from the oddball candidates to the greed and racial motivations that drive the final decision. There's big business in the movies, and Finishing the Game skewers it with an eye for '70s detail.