Gürhan Özçiftçi


The true story of a man who grew up surrounded by violence and absence of love. But despite everything he became a world-class networking master in his business life. He started from the bottom and was able to reach the top. His story show us that there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome in life.
Мюслюм Акбаш родился в бедной семье и еще мальчиком стал свидетелем того, как отец убил его мать и маленькую сестру. В конце 60-х он начал петь и взял себе псевдоним Гюрсес, что значит «зычный голос», а через десять лет попал в автомобильную аварию, в которой едва не погиб, частично потерял слух и приобрел трудности с жестикуляцией и речью, впоследствии ставшие неотъемлемой частью его эксцентричного образа. Уже будучи известным исполнителем, Мюслюм влюбился в актрису и певицу Мухтерем Нур, которая была старше его на 21 год. Гюрсес проживал свои травмы через песни, которые трогали сердца людей и заставляли идти за ним. Люди называли его Баба, то есть «отец», и он стал настоящим отцом и вдохновителем целого поколения людей из разных социальных слоев.
Nobody Comes Nobody Goes...
What if an old pal of yours or the person you have been married for years starts to think that you are not "you"? And what if you are no longer "you" at that moment? Or, while all this is happening, what if, you are confronted with the "you" that could not be "you"? "Nobody Comes, Nobody Goes..." is a psychological thriller trying to break the psyche links of reality that people establish with themselves and the life, while endeavors to present a discrete experience to its audience and provide experiment all new stuff with respect to levels of wording, text, emotions, perception, and phenomena.
Nobody Comes Nobody Goes...
What if an old pal of yours or the person you have been married for years starts to think that you are not "you"? And what if you are no longer "you" at that moment? Or, while all this is happening, what if, you are confronted with the "you" that could not be "you"? "Nobody Comes, Nobody Goes..." is a psychological thriller trying to break the psyche links of reality that people establish with themselves and the life, while endeavors to present a discrete experience to its audience and provide experiment all new stuff with respect to levels of wording, text, emotions, perception, and phenomena.
Nobody Comes Nobody Goes...
What if an old pal of yours or the person you have been married for years starts to think that you are not "you"? And what if you are no longer "you" at that moment? Or, while all this is happening, what if, you are confronted with the "you" that could not be "you"? "Nobody Comes, Nobody Goes..." is a psychological thriller trying to break the psyche links of reality that people establish with themselves and the life, while endeavors to present a discrete experience to its audience and provide experiment all new stuff with respect to levels of wording, text, emotions, perception, and phenomena.