Andrew Spencer Dawson


Он, я и его друзья
Sound Editor
Молодая пара наконец-то решает пожениться, правда, семейная жизнь у них не заладилась с самого первого дня - друг семьи Дюпри собрался немного пожить вместе с ними, правда, это «немного», похоже, слишком затянулось. Как же избавиться от незваного гостя?
Honor Thy Mother
Sound Editor
Lieth Von Stein and his wife, Bonnie Von Stein are attacked while sleeping in their Smallwood home in North Carolina. Bonnie Von Stein survived. Lieth was not so lucky. Bonnie has trouble dealing with the fact that her own son, Christopher Pritchard, along with two friends consipired to have her and her husband killed. Neal Henderson and Christopher Pritchard plead guilty and testified at the trial of James Upchurch, who was convicted and sentenced to die. Several years later, however, his sentence was vacated and Upchurch is now serving a life sentence.
ADR Editor
A young married couple and their daughter are terrorized by a pride of ferocious feral felines.