Освобожденный русскими из концлагеря «Аушвиц» в Польше, Примо отправляется в родную Италию. Война закончилась, но это еще не был мир. Еще предстояла долгая дорога и возрождение забытых чувств: благодарности, и любви.
Private Internal Troops Andrei Ivin is a security guard in a strict regime zone. He is absolutely not adapted to military service, a typical humanist who left the historical and archival institute. One summer, he stands at night on duty on the tower. A recidivist nicknamed Mishka Knyaz escapes. Private Ivin could not shoot him, and he was forced to go under the tribunal himself. In an explanatory note, he writes that he "refuses to continue to dispose of someone else's life." Under the supervision of the company commander Narotiev, he is sent to the disbat. Senior Lieutenant Narotiev is almost the same age as Ivin. It's hard for him to believe that the private is telling the truth. In his opinion, the soldier was simply at a loss, giving evidence, and fell asleep at the post, or, perhaps, chickened out.
Private Internal Troops Andrei Ivin is a security guard in a strict regime zone. He is absolutely not adapted to military service, a typical humanist who left the historical and archival institute. One summer, he stands at night on duty on the tower. A recidivist nicknamed Mishka Knyaz escapes. Private Ivin could not shoot him, and he was forced to go under the tribunal himself. In an explanatory note, he writes that he "refuses to continue to dispose of someone else's life." Under the supervision of the company commander Narotiev, he is sent to the disbat. Senior Lieutenant Narotiev is almost the same age as Ivin. It's hard for him to believe that the private is telling the truth. In his opinion, the soldier was simply at a loss, giving evidence, and fell asleep at the post, or, perhaps, chickened out.
Private Internal Troops Andrei Ivin is a security guard in a strict regime zone. He is absolutely not adapted to military service, a typical humanist who left the historical and archival institute. One summer, he stands at night on duty on the tower. A recidivist nicknamed Mishka Knyaz escapes. Private Ivin could not shoot him, and he was forced to go under the tribunal himself. In an explanatory note, he writes that he "refuses to continue to dispose of someone else's life." Under the supervision of the company commander Narotiev, he is sent to the disbat. Senior Lieutenant Narotiev is almost the same age as Ivin. It's hard for him to believe that the private is telling the truth. In his opinion, the soldier was simply at a loss, giving evidence, and fell asleep at the post, or, perhaps, chickened out.
В последние дни войны после выполнения специального задания группа майора Горелова возвращается к своим. Вскоре танкисты узнают, что фашисты собираютсявзорвать секретный завод, где работают около двух тысяч военнопленных: французов, англичан и американцев. Несмотря на малые силы (25 бойцов, 2 танка, пушка и 2 грузовика), майор принимает решение во что бы то ни стало спасти от гибели безоружных людей. Группа Горелова решает идти на выручку союзникам…
Episodic role
Уголовный розыск ведёт расследование дела об ограблении заводского кассира. У проходной завода точной механики и оптики двое преступников нападают на кассира. Преступникам удаётся скрыться на машине, ожидавшей их за углом. На место преступления прибывают работники уголовного розыска майор Дорохов и лейтенант Матушкин. Они опрашивают свидетелей, но те не запомнили толком ни лиц нападавших, ни номера машины, но заметили, что один помешал другому стрелять. Зацепок для того, чтоб отыскать преступников, почти нет. Единственная улика, которой располагает милиция, приступая к расследованию, – ондатровая шапка, оставленная на месте преступления...