Deborah Congia


Zwei Erben sind einer zu viel
Casting Director
Ex-con Konrad Kühn smells a quick buck with the sale of a seemingly uninhabited house on the Baltic Sea. He claims to be the sole heir, but someone is living in the supposedly uninhabited house: Clara Mensen. Together with her friend Valeska, she tries everything to prevent the sale. Also because Mayor Flasskamp wants to close the deal with Kühn very quickly. He already owns the neighboring property and could finally implement his plans for a large hotel. But the two have made their plan without Clara Mensen. She discovers Kühn's true identity. And Kühn learns a secret about Clara Mensen. The two rivals suddenly have to work together to save their own skins.
The Protector
Casting Director
Jan Schäfer is a personal security officer at the BKA. Fiona Weibel, the key witness currently under Schäfer’s protection, has to testify before the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in Hamburg. Particularly delicate: Fiona works in the management of a Swiss shipping company and is said to be using insider knowledge to heavily incriminate her own employer. The shipping company is accused of illegally transporting toxic substances, disguised as fertilizers, to Syria, where they are used to produce toxic gas. To keep Fiona safe until the trial, Schäfer and his colleague Yannick take her into their custody. But as soon as they pick up the witness at the airport, they realize they are being followed. Through a clever diversionary maneuver, they manage to escape the pursuers. But is that enough to get Fiona to safety? The trio threatens to be discovered and the operation exposed. Is the witness playing a double game? Or is there even a leak in the ranks of their own colleagues?
Цыганская Королева
Цыганская мать-одиночка Али, которую отец выгнал из дома, пытается устроить свою жизнь в Гамбурге, вкалывая на нелегальных работах. Однажды в ночном клубе, где проходят бои, она встречает такого же неудавшегося, бывшего боксера Танне. Он обнаруживает в ней боксерский талант — когда-то Али была чемпионкой среди юниоров. В финальном бою побеждает не тот, кто злее или сильнее, а кому есть за что биться.
François is a literary scholar and drinker. His relationships with women are limited to one year, his life is sufficiently happy. Until the day when charismatic Muslim politician Mohamed Ben Abbes becomes president in France, introduces patriarchy and polygamy and loses his job. In his growing loneliness, Rector Rediger's offer to resume his teaching at the Sorbonne reaches him on one condition: he must convert to Islam.
Успешный живописец Дэвид переживает не лучшие времена. Он винит себя в гибели семилетней дочери, погибшей в результате неверно принятого им решения. Но однажды все меняется, когда герой обнаруживает таинственную дверь, которая дает ему возможность вернуться к прошлым ошибкам и все исправить, снова и снова… Однако то, что показалось счастьем все изменить, оборачивается форменным ужасом, ведущим к необратимым последствиям…
Die Anruferin
A lonely woman's prank phone call leads to an unexpected friendship with a grieving widow.
Kebab Connection
In Hamburg, Ibrahim "Ibo" Secmez, of Turkish descent, wants to direct the first German kung-fu movie. For now, he makes commercials for his uncle's kebab restaurant. Titzie, an aspiring actress and Ibo's German girlfriend, finds she's pregnant. Ibo is uncertain about fatherhood - compounded by his father's disowning him for getting a German girl pregnant - so Titzie sends him packing. He makes attempts at getting it right, but as the birth approaches, he's still not ready. In the background are three thugs in search of good tripe soup and a Capulet-Montegue feud between the kebab joint and a Greek taverna across the street. Can Ibo be the glove upon that hand?