Ben Mitchell

Ben Mitchell

Рождение : 1980-07-07,


Ben Mitchell


Motorcycle Cop
Трио случайных преступников путешествуют по всей Новой Зеландии в желтой машине Мини, протестуя и преследуя потерянную любовь, пока за ними гонится отряд полицейских
Broken Hallelujah
Jason Wiki
The best of plans can be thwarted and, when the pressure comes on, the cracks begin to show. As the incidents in their worlds play out, three families bound by love and broken by betrayal, find their lives unknowingly touch one another, and then a final single event brings them together. This is not a love story but a story about love; three loves, three lies and one more chance.
Хоббит: Пустошь Смауга
Продолжение путешествия хоббита Бильбо Бэггинса, волшебника Гэндальфа и 13 отважных гномов. Их компания обязана завершить своё путешествие к Одинокой горе. Там они должны встретиться с величайшей опасностью из всех - созданием куда более ужасающим, чем все их прошлые противники, которое проверит на прочность не только их мужество, но крепость их дружбы и правильность выбранного пути, - драконом Смаугом.
Curry Munchers
The story of a guy who gets some hope & curry in his life, through love. It's the journey of 'Sid', who migrated from India to New Zealand, to have a life full of bikes & women, but reality hits when he comes to NZ.
I'm Not Harry Jenson
Evoking the style and pace of the Noir genre, the film is essentially a murder mystery with Stanley (Gareth Reeves) the prime suspect. Stanley's success as a novelist has been largely due to his style where he writes from the first person perspective of the central characters, who are always the killers in real-life cases. Troubled with writer's block, his agent suggests a tramping trip "to clear his mind". However, when he wakes up on the first morning of his tramp, he finds his fellow tramper dead.