Erik Kollasch


Tammie Brown's Halloween Spooktacular
Additional Editing
Ghouls and goblins abound! After an ominous warning from a fortune teller, Tammie Brown and Kelly Mantle fight to keep their Halloween Spooktacular afloat. Kylie Sonique, April Carrión, Fena Barbitall, Todd Glass, and the Sugarbaker Twins guest star in this hilariously spooky Halloween special.
Tammie Brown's Holiday Sparkle
Tammie Brown takes us on a roller coaster of catchy tunes, impish behavior, and inevitable disaster in her first televised holiday special.
Nate: A One Man Show
Assistant Editor
Tough talk takes a soft turn as Nate, played by comedian Natalie Palamides, explores humor, heartbreak, sexuality and consent — with a live audience.
#IMomSoHard Live
Assistant Editor
Comedians Kristin Hensley and Jen Smedley of the viral webseries #IMOMSOHARD bring you their 2-person stand-up show! Combining stand-up & improvisation, the two share their honest and self-effacing humor on topics ranging from friendship, periods, sex after marriage, body image, and parenting failures. Because, hey: You’re not in this alone, ladies.
Henry Rollins: Keep Talking, Pal.
Henry Rollins waxes at a high rate of speed about the brilliance of RuPaul, meeting David Bowie, his weirdest shows, why women should rule and more in a live performance from Portland, Oregon.
Jim Gaffigan: Noble Ape
Jim Gaffigan has made a career out of finding the extraordinary in the ordinary with his hilarious observational style. In his 6th special, he uses humor to deal with the unthinkable & proves that laughter is the best medicine…or is it?
Али Вонг: Так себе жена
Assistant Editor
Али Вонг шутит про особенности материнства, о беременности и о том, почему все женщины заслуживают трехлетний оплачиваемый отпуск по уходу за ребенком.
Крэйг Фергюсон: Игра в щекотку
Assistant Editor
Экс-ведущий Крейг Фергюсон делится своими мыслями по поводу происходящего в мире, старческим недовольством современными гаджетами, рассказывает про своего друга Криса, а также о самой старой шутке на свете.