Frédéric Leloup
An antiques dealer hatches a devilish plan to get rid of his wife, setting off a deadly game of cat-and-mouse.
Doublure Paul et Louis
История о молодой француженке Хлое, страдающей от депрессии. Девушка обращается за помощью к привлекательному психотерапевту Полу, и результат лечения превосходит все ожидания: отношения выходят за рамки рабочих, Хлоя влюбляется в доктора и соглашается жить вместе. Однако у Пола есть собственные секреты, раскрывать которые он не спешит.
After his wife allegedly commits suicide, Vincent starts behaving very strangely, throwing away the weapon and moving the body, leading the police to start asking questions.
Long married 50-somethings Brigitte and Xavier are prize cattle breeders in regional France. Life is good, but the departure of their children from home has thrown Brigitte’s world into flux, as she finds herself locked into routine. She keeps hoping for something else, something more. A party held by students on the adjoining property accelerates this latent crisis and Brigitte impulsively sets off for Paris under the guise of a doctor’s appointment. The city immediately invigorates her, and when she meets a charming Danish gentleman, she impulsively allows herself to be flattered by his attentions…
Maitre d'hôtel Prunier
Париж, январь 1958 года. Ив Сен Лоран в возрасте 21-го года неожиданно был призван управлять большими домами моды, которыми заведовал недавно умерший Кристиан Диор. Очень молодой помощник привлек всеобщее внимание своей первой же коллекцией одежды…
Муж и жена Мэрилин и Бруно Карон переезжают с севера Франции с тем, чтобы поселиться в горах. Они снимают коттедж семьи Кастанг, с которой постепенно заводят знакомство. В результате цепочки событий у четы Карон нарастают зависть и злоба по отношению к более обеспеченной семье, что вскоре приводит к трагической развязке.
Self - Host
Species of species renews our representation of the tree of life and reveals to us that the millions of species that inhabit the planet, ours included, all belong to a single and immense family. How to classify living species? What criterion should be used to sort them? The number of legs? The presence of wings, feathers, hair, scales? Not so simple...
Antoine Sforza, a thirty-year-old young man, left his village ten years before in order to start a new life in the big city, but now that his father, a traveling grocer, is in hospital after a stroke, he more or less reluctantly accepts to come back to replace him in his daily rounds.
Capitaine Durieux
1943 год. Эти французы никогда не были во Франции, однако перед лицом войны Саид, Абделькадер, Мессауд и Яссир присоединяются к французской армии, чтобы защищать свою Родину от нацистов вместе со 130-ю тысячами других потенциальных жителей страны. Эти герои были надолго забыты историей, но подвиг не стерся из памяти людей совсем. Их силами были одержаны победы в Италии, Провансе и Восге, а главный бой ожидал воинов в маленькой деревушке Эльзас, где четверым храбрецам пришлось в одиночку противостоять целому батальону немецких захватчиков.
While playing football, two children stumble across the grave of a French WWI infantryman who died in the trenches in 1918. His name was Pierre Delpeuch and in the last days of his life he and his comrades shared an extraordinary human adventure. Exhausted, cut off from the front, huddled in their trench, Pierre and four others bravely stood firm. Facing them was another trench containing five similar exhausted and determined Germans. Their only aim was to resist, whatever the cost, until reinforcements arrived.
A mayor wants to get rid of homeless people who blacken his Christmas.
During the German occupation of France, a young woman - Marie - finds a Jewish boy in her room. His parents and other Jewish neighbors have been just been deported, but Maurice (the boy) escaped. Marie decides to hide him, secretly.
Directed by Maurice Failevic and Ahmed Rachedi
Toni is raising her five children alone. A full-time job. She also sings in the evening at bars. Tony has talent. She recorded a hit single. But that was 20 years ago. Today, as her two eldest children prepare to go to university, Toni wonders: what will she do when all of her offspring have left home? At 43, is there still time to take control of your life?