Lila Schmitz


The Job of Songs
Tourists flock to the west coast of Ireland to take in the breathtaking cliffs of Moher, but the real treasure lies in the soulful, acoustic sounds wafting out of pubs and living rooms of Doolin, County Clare. The denizens of this unspoiled coastal village of tight-knit neighbors and unlocked doors revel in the passion and history of their traditional folk songs, using music as a thread through generations to create community, connection, and joy.
The Job of Songs
Tourists flock to the west coast of Ireland to take in the breathtaking cliffs of Moher, but the real treasure lies in the soulful, acoustic sounds wafting out of pubs and living rooms of Doolin, County Clare. The denizens of this unspoiled coastal village of tight-knit neighbors and unlocked doors revel in the passion and history of their traditional folk songs, using music as a thread through generations to create community, connection, and joy.
The Job of Songs
Tourists flock to the west coast of Ireland to take in the breathtaking cliffs of Moher, but the real treasure lies in the soulful, acoustic sounds wafting out of pubs and living rooms of Doolin, County Clare. The denizens of this unspoiled coastal village of tight-knit neighbors and unlocked doors revel in the passion and history of their traditional folk songs, using music as a thread through generations to create community, connection, and joy.
The Job of Songs
Tourists flock to the west coast of Ireland to take in the breathtaking cliffs of Moher, but the real treasure lies in the soulful, acoustic sounds wafting out of pubs and living rooms of Doolin, County Clare. The denizens of this unspoiled coastal village of tight-knit neighbors and unlocked doors revel in the passion and history of their traditional folk songs, using music as a thread through generations to create community, connection, and joy.
Love in The Time of Corona
The story of two horny singles and the lengths human imagination can go when faced with trying circumstances - especially when it comes to sex and belonging.
Movie Theater Teenager 2
Восстанавливаясь после неудачного романа и болезненного расставания с женатым мужчиной, Гейб находит утешение в отношениях, поддерживаемых им с бывшей женой и дочерью. На другом конце города Эрнесто, напротив, всячески старается избегать жизни под одной крышей со своим экс-бойфрендом, проводя большую часть свободного времени в больнице с возлюбленным прошлых лет, находящимся в тяжёлом состоянии. Невосприимчивые к однообразию их мира рабочего класса с окраин, они поддерживают в себе непреодолимое стремление к настоящей любви.