Sound Engineer
A highly stylized, science-fiction/dark comedy short that follows the events of an off-kilter young man who constructs a time machine to impress his female coworker, taking her to the future.
Scoring Mixer
A highly stylized, science-fiction/dark comedy short that follows the events of an off-kilter young man who constructs a time machine to impress his female coworker, taking her to the future.
This enigmatic, mysterious minimalist feature, a collaboration between CalArts graduate C.W. Winter and photographer Anders Edström, combines elements of narrative fiction, documentary, and even installation art in depicting the daily routine of Ulla, a middle-aged woman living in self-sufficient isolation on a wild island on the Stockholm archipelago.
Original Music Composer
Ради славы музыкант продает свою душу сыну Сатаны, который появляется в виде неряшливого владельца ночного клуба.