Leila Kotori

Leila Kotori

Рождение : , Exmouth, Devon, England, UK


Leila kotori is a British actress, born in a small seaside town Exmouth Devon. From a young age she was always involved in performing arts, starting at the age of 5 in ballet and continuing on to tap and modern dance until she was 15. Immediately after starting Secondary school she enrolled in the award winning youth Theatre company and has been passionately pursuing acting ever since. She studied screen acting at Redroofs Theatre School completing her diploma in 2009, since then she has appeared in numerous film and TV productions. Her previous accomplishments include being cast in 'Human' the multi award winning short by Patrick Ryder, feature films 'Set me Free' (2016) by Kris Smith, 'Fighting Heart' (2017) by Lee Hampton and 'Palatable' by Hartfelt media Ltd. Behind the screens Leila has written and Co - produced the concept film 'Blame' (Hartfelt Media ltd)


Leila Kotori
Leila Kotori


Dr. Prim
A group of individuals come together during the virus lock down. They tell their stories of love, hate, greed and death.
Призрак монахини из Борли
Marianne Foyster
1937 год. Приходской священник и его супруга прибывают в деревеньку Борли для служения в местной церкви. Они надеются на спокойную и размеренную жизнь, однако дом, в котором размещают супругов, оказывается полон пугающих тайн. Загадочные звуки, видения, и призрак монахини, который твердит о проклятии, грозят свести благочестивую пару с ума. Слухи о неблагополучном доме разносятся далеко за пределы Борли и обращают на себя внимание Гарри Прайса. Тот радуется новой возможности доказать существование потустороннего мира и решает поселиться в доме священника, чтобы исследовать мистический феномен. Но он и не догадывается, насколько глубоко ему предстоит погрузиться во тьму.
The Mermaid’s Curse
Sister Siren
A young reporter falls in love with a seductive, sultry, young woman he meets on the beach. The more he falls for her, the more he will learn the dangers of falling in love with a siren.
Human tells the story of Anna, a woman lost and alone who stumbles upon what appears to be an abandoned warehouse, but what she discovers inside will change her life forever with the discovery of Allium the robot 'Played by Alex Phillips and voiced by Mitch Rouse'. An intelligent machine capable of learning and possibly even feeling. The pair spark up an unlikely friendship and when Anna learns of 'Mari' 'Nadia Lamin' a woman who may hold the key to all the secrets, Anna knows what she must do.
Fighting Heart
Suzanne Curtis
An amateur boxer trains hard to become a professional, but soon has tough choices to make when family life and a boxing career become hard to balance.
I Am Cursed
Actress / Voice over Artist
An unassuming man has a secret past. Trouble follows wherever he goes. Unknowingly, Lisa befriends him and soon discovers the truth behind his past.