Kazumi Iwakiri
The story takes place during a summer of continuous sunshine when water supply restrictions are issued in the city. Shunsaku Iwakiri works for the city's water department and his job is to visit homes and stores that are behind on their bills and either collect the money or shut off the water supply (water suspension enforcement). Shunsaku is separated from his wife and children, and his heart grows thirsty as he spends his days visiting poor households and being abhorred. One day, during a water shutoff, Shunsaku meets two young sisters who have been neglected. He sees them as his own children and offers them a helping hand.
Nami Tamura
Tomiko, a middle-aged woman, waits patiently for her husband, who disappeared thirty years ago, to return. She lives alone in a declining fishing village, and continues to search tirelessly for her husband. One day she meets Nami, whose husband has also disappeared.
Nagasaki in 1986. Hisada, who lives with her affectionate parents and her younger brother, although there are many quarrels between couples, is a fifth grader who loves Yuki Saito and Exogini. Hisada decides to go to Boomerang Island to "see the dolphins" with Takemoto, whose house is poor and avoided by his classmates. Drowning in the sea, getting entangled in the Yankees, and having a lot of trouble, but as the friendship between the two deepens as a result of this adventure, a sad incident that presages farewell occurs.
Amiko lives in Hiroshima, Japan. She is a little different from other girls. Her family consists of her father, pregnant mother, and an older brother. Her father is nice to other people and her mother teaches calligraphy. Amiko has classmate Ri-kun, whom she likes. Amiko is honest and naive. Her behavior sometimes makes people feel embarrassed.
Keiko Asano
A young music lover named Asano Daiyoshi died at the young age of 20. In that fact, there is a feeling that a miracle that cannot be imagined overflows the bonds of many people. Feel the brilliance of life that you can live powerfully even if it is short. It's a movie that everyone can sympathize with and give courage to tomorrow.
Kayako Arishina
The anime industry of Japan is enormous, with 200 new TV shows and two trillion yen in revenue each year. For seven years, soft-spoken yet strong-willed Hitomi Saito has climbed the ranks, and is set to direct a series for the first time. At the same moment, the difficult but undeniably brilliant director Chiharu Oji is set to make his big comeback after almost a decade. The hit series that made Oji famous is what inspired Saito to jump into the anime field, and her goal is to match, and even surpass, his success and relevance. Her chance has arrived. Their two programs are both scheduled to debut in the same prime-time Saturday slot, and after Saito challenges her rival on stage at an anime convention, the two production teams each set out to outdo one another, because there can only be one number-one!
"There are many things that I don't like. The traffic jam on the way to Naha, my debt-ridden father, my best friend's boyfriend, milk, and my hometown, Shioya-wan. Why did my beautiful mother marry my father?" Ruri tried to escape from these thoughts as she faced an uncertain future. Then, one day, she learns of her mother's past, but…
Asumi Ishibashi
3 women are happy and busy raising their boys named Yu. Due to some little thing, their lives fall apart. Their anger and anxiety unconsciously head towards their sons Yu.
Ryoko Tanaka
7 years ago, Yoichi died in a traffic accident. His wife Ryoko did not receive compensation from her husband's death. She has since raised her son Junpei by herself. Junpei is now a middle school student. Ryoko also cares for her father-in-law, who lives in a nursing home and she also runs a cafe. Her care is in a difficult situation due to Covid-19, while Junpei experiences bullying at school.
Yukiko Kudo
1999 год. После смерти отца от передозировки наркотиками Кэндзи Ямамото, всей душой ненавидящий организованную преступность, случайно спасает от покушения босса местной группировки Сибасаки и привлекает к себе его внимание. Хотя парень был уверен, что никогда не станет бандитом, жизнь распоряжается иначе — теперь Кэндзи делает карьеру в рядах якудза, во главу угла ставя честь и преданность новой семье.
Akira Kamoi
Based on a novel of by Nukui Tokuro, Hohoemu Hito tells the story of Nito Toshimi who, after graduating from Japan’s most difficult university and founding a job at a major city bank, marries Shoko and have a daughter, Amina. Nito, while leading a life that looks like the picture of happiness and being the envy of everyone, is charged with the murder of his wife and young child. At his trial, he reveals a shocking motive for the crime: “I wanted space for books.”
Typically thieves enter a house, steal things and get out. This time an unsuspecting thief enters a home to steal as much as he can and instead is faced with an occupant inside the house. There is a woman within who is going to commit a murder. She is also about to set the place ablaze. The thief stops her and in the process the criminal becomes the one stopping a crime. The situation is connected to a case from some twenty years go.
Miyoko Suzuki
Ittetsu and Maitsuko are married, but they are not just any normal couple. They robbed a bank and took a cool million or two from the capitalists. Then they duly vanished. Years have passed and their children have congregated to divide their parents' money, but first there is the matter of arrangements and a funeral.
Mother (voice)
Три истории: маленькие подводные жители, брат с сестрой, отправляются на поиски унесённого течением отца; история о мальчике с аллергией на яйца; невесёлая жизнь невидимого человека в современном городе.
The Bastard and the Beautiful World is an omnibus film consisting of four episodes. Fujiko is running as fast as she can, being chased after by a creepy masked man called Mad Dog. They meet a talented pianist on the way. A mysterious relationship develops between Utagui, a little girl who eats songs to live and an artist who can't sing anymore. A married couple sets off on a journey to find the right arm of their dead son. As they finally reach a beach in Okinawa, they find? Bastards come together on a night dancefloor for a show.
Theme Song Performance
When Suei was little, his mother had an affair with a young man who lived next door. Suei's mother and the young man killed themselves by using dynamite. After Suei graduated from high school, he worked at a factory before quitting his job. He then went to Tokyo and began working in the erotic magazine industry. Suei eventually became the chief editor of a famous erotic magazine in the 1980's.
When Suei was little, his mother had an affair with a young man who lived next door. Suei's mother and the young man killed themselves by using dynamite. After Suei graduated from high school, he worked at a factory before quitting his job. He then went to Tokyo and began working in the erotic magazine industry. Suei eventually became the chief editor of a famous erotic magazine in the 1980's.
The studio of potter Seisho Kuniyoshi is deep in the mountains, surrounded by greenery, where he devotes every day to making pottery. One day, a girl appears and begins to destroy the pottery.
Harumi Tamura
2012 год. Три подростка, изрядно нашкодив, бегут ночью от полиции и прячутся в стареньком универмаге под вывеской «Намия». Решив переждать здесь до утра, один из парней находит в почтовом ящике письмо, где неизвестный человек хочет проконсультироваться по поводу собственных проблем. Письмо датировано 1980-м годом, и ребята понимают, что почтовый ящик волшебным образом связан с прошлым. Они решают написать ответ.
Tomoko Ashimura
Tomoko Ashimura types on a computer her memory of her late husband Goro, but Tomoko Ashimura succumbs to a disease. On behalf of Tomoko Ashimura, her grandchild Osamu collects Tomoko’s memoirs. He learns about the love between his grandparents for the past 50 years and the difficult life they faced during and after the Pacific War.
(segment “Hammer”)
Six directors picked a favorite song by Japanese punk rock band "The Blue Hearts" and made a short film inspired by the song.
Haruka Sawamura
In Tokyo, Japan, several grotesque murders take place on rainy days. Detective Sawamura, who is in charge of the case, soon discovers that his own family is connected to the crimes.
Ryoko Kozuki
Detective Ryoko Kozuki receives a demotion after having an affair with a superior. She succeeds in arresting a rapist in an undercover operation that puts her at risk. Her achievement immediately becomes the talk of the precinct, but no one approaches her because of her past. Ryoko is determined to bring criminals to justice. She takes on “The Prime Ministerial Candidate Snipe Case” which took place 15 years earlier.
Tomomi Nakase
Kozo Nakase attends meetings for single widowers looking to remarry. He meets Sayoko Takeuchi and eventually marries her. Not longer after their marriage, Kozo Nakase suddenly collapses and dies. Kozo Nakase leaves everything to Sayako. The rest of his family are left out of his will including his daughter Tomomi. Tomomi hires a private investigator, Honda, to find out more about Sayoko.
Экранизация одноименного японского романа-бестселлера, посвященная истории самого первого удачного покорения смертельно опасного Эвереста, совершенного Ирвингом и Мэллори, чье первенство так и осталось недоказанным, так как оба альпиниста пропали без вести. Но вот, уже в 21 веке профессиональный фотограф-альпинист выходит на след камеры Мэллори, которая может стать сенсационной находкой столетия, полностью изменив представления об истории покорения Эвереста. Как бы то ни было, камера оказывается в руках шерпа Гадюки, который поразительно похож на одного из лучших альпинистов Японии, до того считавшимся погибшим во время восхождения на самый трудный склон Эвереста во время жесточайшей зимней бури.
Kamei Naomi
After dying in a bus crash and falling to hell, high schooler Daisuke joins a demonic rock band so he can be reincarnated back into the mortal world.
Saeko Yuki
The masterpiece of Shino Sakuragi, who won the 149th Naoki Prize for "HOTEL ROYAL" in 2013, is now a motion picture. A lawyer burdened with an inexpiable sin, and an accused woman who seals her past and keeps it a secret. In Kushiro, Hokkaido, the pair who chose a faraway town as the terminal station of their lives encounters and develops a moving drama by starting new lives. Koichi Sato enters new territory his performance, while Tsubasa Honda plays a serious character which creates a new image for herself. Machiko Ono, Shidou Nakamura, Shigeru Izumiya and other talented cast members join in the film.
Marie (voice)
Chieri is a sixth grade girl whose only friend is a stuffed toy named Cherry, which she found while hiding in the cellar during her father's funeral. Chieri and Cherry undertake a journey on the border between fantasy and reality.
Tasuku Okano is a diligent young man who was raised by decent family. He works as a new teacher at an elementary school. Tasuko deals with his students the way his head teacher told taught him, but the situation in his classroom isn't very good. He notices that one of his students might be abused, but he tries to ignore it by reasoning that he is too busy to become involved. Tasuko though feels terrible about the situation and decides to help his abused student. Masami was raised by an abusive mother. She is now violent towards her own 3-year-old daughter Ayane. Masami can't help lashing out at her daughter since her daughter was 10-months-old. When she hangs around other mothers in the park, she tries to justify her abusive manners by thinking the other mothers treat their kids the same way.
Ryoko Fujino (adult)
A group of junior high school must find out the truth of their classmate's death is he was killed by someone or committed suicide.
Ryoko Fujino (adult)
A group of junior high school must find out the truth of their classmate's death is he was killed by someone or committed suicide.
Sachiko runs a business in Japan, but her business fails. She then escapes to Bali. There, Sachiko meets rich Japanese man Aniki. From him, Sachiko gets encouragement.
Rieko Sugita
Rieko Sugita, a young and beautiful hairdresser who happens to visit a bedding shop owned by Yoshitaro (Emoto) and the latter becomes so besotted with her that they begin an affair without his wife's knowledge. On the other hand, Rieko hates her late mother (Fueki Yuko) for sleeping around with other men but is actually following in her footsteps by sleeping with men for money. One day, she reunites with her first love Naoki (Ozawa) who has become an assistant professor and shares a dark secret with her. Soon, the romance between them is rekindled. However, Yoshitaro who has lost his fortune and is about to lose Rieko, becomes consumed by jealousy which brings Rieko, Naoki and him to the point of no return. -- Dorama World
Natsumi Tashiro
Кики — молодая ведьма, проходящая обучение и живущая в деревне у своей матери, также ведьмы, изготавливающей целебные средства для местных жителей. Кики достигла возраста, когда по традиции она должна покинуть свой дом и в качестве стажировки провести год жизни в незнакомом городе. Героиня садится на материнскую метлу и отправляется в далёкий путь. Вскоре она находит городок, где после некоторых трудностей, ей удается обосноваться и открыть свою небольшую службу по доставке вещей посредством полётов на метле.
Yukihiko Nishino is very popular with women, but, in the end, he is always dumped by a woman. Yukihiko seeks out his true love.
A story about a woman from Yanaka Village, Tochigi Prefecture, which was abolished by the government due to the Ashio Copper Mine pollution incident in the late Meiji Period. The drama depicts the struggle of the woman who gradually matures as a person through her encounters with versatile figures, including socialists and writers, after moving to Tokyo.
Machiko Hasegawa
In the year 1926, Machiko Hasegawa is a 6-year-old child and lives in Fukuoka. She is a bright girl, who enjoys playing outdoors. At home, she loves to draw. Her father is a handsome mining engineer and he loves his family more than anything else. When Machiko is 14-years-old her father passes away. The rest of her family decides to move to Tokyo. Her mother than makes a quick decision and sends 15-year-old Machiko to manga artist Tagawa as his student. Machiko's life is peaceful, but the oncoming war makes things tense. Machiko's family moves back to Fukuoka. When the war is about to end, the local newspaper asks Machiko to publish a serial manga. Machiko has difficulties in coming up with an idea for the manga series and decides to go to the nearby Momochi Seaside Park. She watches the ocean and comes up with the idea for manga series "Sazae-san".
Office worker
Ryoro Kurojima (Sadao Abe) is the director of a Tokyo apology center. His job is to teach others how to apologize. Ryoro Kurojima solves problems by using his apology techniques on anything from simple arbitration to a national crisis.
Midori Nonomiya
Одержимый мечтой об успешной карьере архитектор Риоата, его молодая жена и 6-летний сын кажутся идеальной семьей. Но герой теряет все жизненные ориентиры в тот день, когда узнает, что в роддоме, где родился его сын, подменили двух младенцев. Мальчик, которого Риоата с женой воспитывали, им не родной, а их собственный ребенок растет в семье со скромным достатком…
Kawashima Yumiko
A friend of the detective has been is murdered. During the investigation, he comes across a source which tells him that his friend was murdered for involvement with the dark side of the political world. On top of that, a woman approaches the detective with a request.
In the inner chambers of the Shugun's castle, 3,000 men attempt to vie for the affection of the female shogun. Based on the 4th-6th volumes in the manga series "Ooku" by Fumi Yoshinaga.
1590 год. Конец периода Сенгоку. Могущественный даймё Тоётоми Хидеёши хочет завладеть всей Японией, но сталкивается с труднодоступной крепостью, известной, как замок Оши.
Нарите Нагашике, отвечающему за защиту замка, прийдётся задействовать всю свою армию из 500 воинов против армии Тоётоми Хидеёши, которая насчитывает 20 000 воинов.
Криминальная семья Санно выросла в огромную организацию, чья власть распространилась на политику и крупный легальный бизнес. Амбициозный детектив Катаока при помощи тайных заговоров и грязных трюков провоцирует конфликт Между Санно и их давними врагами Ханабиши, надеясь, что они окончательно уничтожат друг друга. Но козырем в руках Катаоки может стать тот факт, что из тюрьмы готовится выйти Отомо, босс семьи, когда-то раздавленной Санно, которого многие считали мертвым. Неожиданное возвращение Отомо сеет еще больше лжи и предательства между семьям. Невозможно угадать, кто одержит верх в этой свирепой схватке за власть.
Hina Matsuzawa
In 2011, top-secret data on nuclear power is stolen from a university facility. At the same time, leaked information comes in about enriched uranium from the Korean peninsula. Sumimoto of the external affairs fourth division suspects that a conspiracy has been hatched to rock Japan-Korean relations.
Средневековая Япония. Подчинение господину есть высшая обязанность самурая. Но как поступить, если господин требует сделать то, что никак нельзя сделать? Инуи Сакуноске получает приказ от своего господина убить Сакуму, самурая, который является его другом и мужем его младшей сестры, Тасу. Что, если Тасу, обучавшаяся владению мечом, обнажит клинок, чтобы защитить мужа? Честь самурая, забота о семье, внутренние переживания и противоречия…
Three strangers get a strange feeling that something is "calling them." Minor things about their daily lives begin to have significance to them. However, this change causes each of them to distance themselves from those around them.
Story of the last assistant doctor in Okinawa.
Yumiko Yano
Юмико Яно вместе со своими сыновьями, Ацуси и Токи, отправляется из Токио с прахом покойного мужа в его родной дом, расположенный в горной деревушке на юге Тайваня. Юмико, вышедшая замуж против воли своих родителей, после смерти мужа вынуждена полагаться только на себя. Ее сын Ацуси, ощущая себя «посторонним» в моноэтнической Японии, бунтует против общества и своей матери. Но в сельском доме, окруженные заботой стариков, которым пришлось пережить немало драматических политических перемен и стать свидетелями разрушения традиционной системы ценностей, мать и сын вновь находят то, что их соединяет. Отправляясь в путешествие на старомодном грузовике-дрезине, Ацуси познает окружающий мир по ту сторону дома и школы и приходит к пониманию того, что значит быть «сыном» и «старшим братом».
A woman and her child get trapped underground while investigators look for them.
Kawahara Kaoru
Poet Okachimachi Kaito makes his directing debut. Featuring lead actress Ono Machiko, who starred in The Mourning Forest (Mogari no Mori) and is also a regular in director Kawase Naomi's other works, this film portrays the pure love between a prisoner sentenced to death and the fiance of the man he killed, and was nominated to be in the section "Japanese Eyes" in the Tokyo International Film Festival. Jun (Kubota Masashi) receives the death penalty for a botched robbery that turned into murder and while in prison, he is visited by Kaoru (Ono), a Christian and the fiance of the man he killed. However, when her fiance was killed, he was secretly with another woman. Jun and Kaoru soon become attracted to one another and, using a bible, they start to communicate in secret.
Tochiko orimi
Hi no Sakana (火の魚, Fish of the Fire) is a Japanese novel by Murō Saisei; it was first published in 1960, and was later adapted into a single episode TV drama that was broadcast on NHK Hiroshima in 2009. The story describes the interactions between an elderly author and a young staffer from a publishing company as they collaborate on a book cover design for the author's latest novel.
Renowned Japanese poet Shuntaro Tanikawa teams with former "rock chick" Wakako Kaku to craft this pensive love story told almost entirely in still photographs. After steering a suicidal man away from the brink of despair, an astronomical observatory worker teaches him her favorite watchword, "Yah Chakya!" ("I, Seagull"). The phrase had once been spoken by the first female cosmonaut, and was the call-sign for the Soviet spacecraft Vostok. But for this woman, the word has taken on greater meaning; not only is it a greeting, but a secret handshake and a symbol of the universe as well. Upon learning the phrase, the man finally finds the strength to go on living.
The story is set in Chiran, Kagoshima, the site of a secret base used to launch kamikaze missions during the war. At the time, a group of young girls known as the Nadeshiko Tai were gathered to help out at the base. The drama will be part documentary and it is based on the experiences of 78-year-old Shoko Nagasaki, a survivor of the Nadeshiko Tai.
Chizuko Tamaki
On August 12, 1985, a jumbo jet crashes, causing 520 fatalities, making the accident the biggest single-plane accident in the world. The local press reporters are tossed about by the waves of facts and rumors. While overwhelmed by the magnitude of the accident, Yuuki, in charge of this crash report at a local newspaper, faces a string of decision-making moments. What are news and a reporter? How should a man do his work and survive in a corporate hierarchy? What do family and friends mean to him? An intriguing story, which keeps the audience on the edge of tension and reality.
Сигэки живет в доме престарелых. Он счастлив, ему комфортно в обществе других обитателей заведения и доброго и заботливого персонала. Особое внимание ему оказывает Матико, одна из сотрудниц. Но ее тайно преследует потеря ее ребенка. Отпраздновав день рождения Сигэки, Матико решает вывезти его на прогулку по сельской местности. Во время поездки по живописным проселочным дорогам машина из-за оползня попадает в кювет, и именно отсюда герои отправляются в свое путешествие к открытиям. Сигэки решительно направляется в лес, и Матико остается только следовать за ним.
In the early morning of January 17, 1995, the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake struck, and Tadao Furuichi (Hidekazu Akai), who was running a camera store in Kobe City, lost his friends, his house, and his property. Tadao is busy volunteering for the reconstruction of the town, and one day he comes across his own golf bag that survived the earthquake. Feeling a miracle, Tadao decides to challenge the professional golf test before he turns 60.
Kaoru, a wealthy woman whose youth is fading, abandons the hustle and bustle of the city to live a peaceful life in a house on the coast. There she takes care of an old deaf, dumb and blind man as if he were an insect, a child or a pet. He can’t do anything for himself, so she feeds him and accompanies him on his walks. This strong mutual dependency offers Kaoru an escape from society and allows her to free herself from restrictions imposed by common sense.
В центре сюжета история о трех братьях, каждый из которых пытается найти девушку. Чтобы достичь этой цели, они идут различными путями - старший брат учится играть на гитаре, средний выступает в театре, а младший рисует анимэ.
A spell of time in the life of a family in rural Tochigi prefecture. Yoshiko is not an ordinary housewife, instead working on an animated film project. Uncle Ayano is looking to get his head together after living in Tokyo. Meanwhile, Sachiko is concerned with why she seems to be followed by a giant version of herself.
Sakutaro's Older Sister
Сакутаро в свои тридцать с лишним лет ведёт обычную среднюю жизнь и собирается жениться на своей девушке Рицуко. Однако, когда Рицуко находит странную кассету с записью женского голоса, она неожиданно исчезает, оставив только короткую записку со словами о том, что ей нужно ненадолго уехать. Случайно, Сакутаро видит её в телерепортаже о приближении тайфуна. Похоже, она поехала в его родной город, но для чего? С этой мыслью Сакутаро отправляется на поиски невесты, одновременно погружаясь в воспоминания о событиях 17-и летней давности.
Tsuboi and Kinoshita have just arrived at a desolate town. Both of them are amateur filmmakers. Tsuboi is a screenwriter and Kinoshita a director. They have come to this town because Funaki, an actor, has tempted them to come here, but he has yet to arrive. Tsuboi and Kinoshita start wandering around the town and happen to meet a young woman, Atsuko. The three of them go on a journey together and become friends. But one day, Atsuko disappears.
Сборник короткометражных фильмов, снятых по мотивам "правдивых" историй, которые были собраны по всей Японии. Каждый эпизод длится примерно 5 минут, но на мой взгляд, каждый из них даст фору любому голливудскому полнометражному отстою. Истории варьируются от забавных до весьма мрачных, смотрятся они на одном дыхании. Наслаждайтесь.
Record shop clerk and aspiring DJ Tsutomu searches for his masculinity when challenged to a kendo duel.
Hosted by veteran comedian Tamori, "Bizarre Tales 2002 Spring Special" presents five tales. 1. Mushi Game (Ignore the Game) - starring Uchiyama Rina 2. Okashina Machi (Funny Town) - starring Yanagiba Toshiro 3. Tokage no Shippo (Lizard's Tail) - starring Kashiwabara Takashi 4. Yogisha no Otoko (Man's Night Train) - starring Osugi Ren 5. Manhole - starring Kagawa Teruyuki
22-year old secretary Kazuko first bumps into Tamaki on the way back from work. Tamaki is crawling along the sidewalk on crutches at a snail's pace, and stumbles into the young audiotypist after apparently having trouble with an ill-fitting shoe over her cast. After helping her back to her feet, Kazuko follows Tamaki back to her apartment, the two of them barely exchanging words. Once in Tamaki's room, Kazuko is dispatched on an errand to fetch some beer... Their game begins..
Youth fantasy love story starring idol Kazue Fukiishi.
Рассказ о нескольких отверженных: шофере автобуса, подозреваемом в совершении преступления, двух детях-сиротах, их кузене - случайном студенте. Судьба, однажды случайно соединившая героев в одной точке, сводит их вновь.
Naomi Kawase collaborates with Shinya Arimoto, a Taiyo award-winning photographer she knows from university, to create a photo album of Machiko Ono (who Kawase scouted for her previous feature film Moe no Suzaku) and Mika Mifune (daughter of famous actor Toshiro Mifune) with the idea to contrast these two aspiring actresses, Ono coming from the rural Nara and Mifune from Tokyo. Kawase documents the photo shooting and interviews Arimoto, Ono and Mifune as the work progresses, while the tension between her and Arimoto increases over disagreement on the direction of the project.
Michiru Tahara
Depicts the life of a family in a remote Japanese timber village. Family head Tahara Kozo lives with his mother Sachiko, wife Yasuyo, nephew Eisuke and young daughter Michiru. Economic recession and failed development plans cause tragedy in the family.