Luis Alberto Scalella


River, El Más Grande Siempre
Documentary that tells the history of River from its beginnings, and its development as an institution, the Monumental, the club, its social work, and the sporting successes, from its beginnings until these last two years and five cups.
River, El Más Grande Siempre
Documentary that tells the history of River from its beginnings, and its development as an institution, the Monumental, the club, its social work, and the sporting successes, from its beginnings until these last two years and five cups.
River, El Más Grande Siempre
Documentary that tells the history of River from its beginnings, and its development as an institution, the Monumental, the club, its social work, and the sporting successes, from its beginnings until these last two years and five cups.
Bañeros 5: Lentos y cargosos
Production Director
31 years after the first Bañeros, comes the fifth installment of the saga in which the spa is to be sold to new owners, unless the bañeros find a way to collect the money to pay what they owe and avoid losing their place of work.
End of the World Brothers
End of the World Brothers is a story of adventure, friendship and fellowship that goes to the heart and is directed towards the whole family. It is the story of "Pato" (Topa) and Pirucha (Muni), which together with a famous band called Gang of Sun join forces to save the children from eviction "Home at the End of the World". The film advance by adventures, songs and stories up to an emotional, surprising and spectacular final.
Темная сторона сердца 2
Проходит 10 лет. Наш знакомец Оливейро, постаревший, поистрепанный жизнью и полысевший поэт, уже не так пылок в постели, но все также не прощающий женщине единственный недостаток - если она не умеет летать, Поэт отправляет ее в тартарары как и прежде. Кризис возраста после 40, Оливейро решается на последнюю попытку изменить жизнь и уезжает в Европу, в Барселону, где встречает женщину, которая умеет летать, красивую и сексуальную циркачку Александру. Однако у него есть соперник, печальный юноша в черном, неотступно следующий за Александрой на всех ее выступлениях и тайно влюбленный в нее, у Поэта старые соглядатаи - Время, пристально наблюдающий за происходящим и дама в черном, безнадежно влюбленная в Оливейро, Смерть Поэта. Кто победит в этом неравном поединке, Время, Смерть или Любовь, мы узнаем в конце фильма. Описание мое собственное, буду рада за развернутые рецензии на фильмы режиссера. Пока таковых не нашла.
Rodrigo: The Movie
A love between an admirer of Rodrigo and a young man who is shocked by his fanaticism with real images of recitals of Rodrigo
Rodrigo: The Movie
A love between an admirer of Rodrigo and a young man who is shocked by his fanaticism with real images of recitals of Rodrigo
La furia
Happy High School
The plot involves the school director bringing in a female inspector to clean up the school. The students decide to kidnap her and replace her with the sexy stripper "aunt" of one of the girls (who is naturally sleeping with several of the guys). The real director meanwhile falls madly in lust with one of her male captors. Meanwhile a goody-good student and her hypocrite father begin to suspect the ruse . . . So will there be a lot of crazy hijinks? Will everything work out happily in the end? Will the entire female cast (and an unfortunate amount of the male cast) find some excuse to get naked?
Los superagentes contra todos
The Aquarius secret service super agents face a mob boss.