Sébastien Corne


Here We Are
Visual Effects Art Director
Two science students travel to a remote part of Iceland to test a large-scale magnetic theory.
Visual Effects
François Delabre, billionaire on the decline, has locked himself inside his mansion. For several days, he has been hearing mysterious noises which seem to come closer… Actually, everything may have started on the day he found his wife overdosed. For weeks, her dead body has been left to decompose…
Digital Effects Producer
François Delabre, billionaire on the decline, has locked himself inside his mansion. For several days, he has been hearing mysterious noises which seem to come closer… Actually, everything may have started on the day he found his wife overdosed. For weeks, her dead body has been left to decompose…
Angkor redécouvert
3D Artist
Visual Effects
Разоренный гражданской войной Алжир. В канун рождества 1994 года четыре террориста захватывают направляющийся во Францию рейс 8969 Air France с 220 пассажирами на борту. По прибытии рейса в Марсель его встречает наготове элитное подразделение спецназа, которое должно сделать все возможное для того, чтобы предотвратить трагедию.