Jerzy Janeczek

Jerzy Janeczek

Рождение : 1944-03-22,

Смерть : 2021-07-11


Jerzy Janeczek


Давид и эльфы
Uncle Mietek
Измученный, переутомленный эльф убегает в реальный мир, где пытается ощутить волшебство Рождества с помощью маленького мальчика, с которым он недавно подружился.
Сверхновая звезда
Ojciec Michała
Трое мужчин, одно место и одно событие, которые изменят жизнь каждого из них.
The Mole
Parkingowy Rysiek
Pawel, a Polish man in his early 30s, makes a living with his father Zygmunt importing second-hand clothing from the North of France to Southern Poland. On his way back from one of regular "business trips", Pawel is shocked to discover his father's picture on the cover of a Polish tabloid newspaper. The headline "traitor" is written next to his name. Zygmunt is a genuine hero of the struggle against totalitarianism and a recognized member of the "Solidarnosc" labor movement of the 80s. But now, Zygmunt is suddenly accused by the paper of having acted as a secret informer called THE MOLE by the communist regime.
chorąży Konstanty
Утренние звезды
Январь 1945 года. Через маленькую деревушку, к которой все ближе подступает линия фронта, проходят автоколонны фашистов, отступающих под натиском советских войск. Неожиданно в деревню въезжает советский танк, который случайно вырвался вперед и оторвался от своей колонны. Командира танка Михаила Лаврова и его товарищей укрывает в своем доме семья Валендовских. С их помощью удается спрятать и танк. После боевой вылазки танкистов, уничтоживших опорный немецкий пункт, фашисты решают расправиться с жителями деревни, если те не укажут местонахождение русских. И Лавров делает единственно возможное в этой ситуации — жертвует собой во имя спасения мирных жителей.
Big Deal
Witia Pawlak (syn Kazimierza)
Pawlak and Kargul - neighbors, frenemies, and grandfathers to Ania- both receive invitation to America from Pawlak's brother- John. All three of them travel to Chicago, where they discover John has passed away, and they arrived just in time for his funeral. But first- they need to find his illegitimate daughter. Set in late 70's story of two, charming, Polish villagers' adventures in Chicago is a third installment of Pawlak and Kargul adventures.
Take It Easy
Witia Pawlak, syn Kazimierza
The main characters are the same two quarreling peasant families introduced in "Sami swoi" (Our Folks). The action of the film starts 18 years later. The old quarrels have been forgotten, but new problems keep popping up. They have no successors to inherit the farms. They invent a tricky and clever plan. The young granddaughter is to take over both of the farms after her marriage. Both Kargul and Pawlak have no rest until they carry out the plan. In the end, after numerous adventures and obstacles their cunning intrigue is fulfilled - the young marry and the land remains in the family's hands.
The Keys
During their holiday in Kraków, a young worker and a student are asked if their love, despite different views on life, will endure.
The Hourglass Sanatorium
Wax Figure of Luigi Lucheni
A young man named Josef visits a dilapidated Sanatorium to see his father Jakob. On his arrival, a sinister doctor informs him that his father had stopped breathing but hasn't died yet, perhaps due to Josef's arrival which may have halted time in the sanatorium. Josef undertakes a strange journey through the many rooms of the sanatorium, each which conjures worlds composed of his memories, dreams and nightmares.
Aloszka, pracownik hotelu
Olympic Fire
A Polish war film from 1969 based on a short story by Cezary Chlebowski Nocne Szlaki.
The Red and the Gold
An old man escapes from a retirement home to impersonate a man who has died in his arms and told him he never went home to his new bride after the first World War.
Our Folks
Witia Pawlak
Two quarreling peasant families, who were forced to leave their lands after the war, are settled by accident on two neighboring farms.