Arthur Gallindo


Predestinado: Arigó e o Espírito do Dr. Fritz
Digital Compositor
Голоса с того света
Digital Compositor
Стенио работает по ночам в морге большого криминального города, поэтому постоянно видит тела жертв бандитских разборок в самых разных невообразимых состояниях. Другой бы на его месте отчаялся, но только не Стенио — мёртвые разговаривают с ним. В прямом смысле. У мужчины оккультный дар с рождения, который он может использовать в своих интересах — мертвецы доверяют ему свои секреты. Однажды от очередного трупа Стенио узнаёт, что жена изменяет ему с соседом.
The Movie of My Life
Digital Compositor
The sierras of southern Brazil, 1963. The son of an French man and a Brazilian woman, Tony is a young man with a profound love of cinema and poetry. After graduating from college he returns to his small town in rural Brazil, to find out that his father had left for good, back to France. Tony then looks for the company of his fathers friends in search of information and references of a lost male role-model. He becomes a school teacher and a male figure to kids, in an attempt to provide them with something he lacks himself. A series of developments lead him to a surprising final lead on his fathers' whereabouts and reasons for leaving.
Rotoscoping Artist
Luzimar cycles each day to and from work at the local cotton mill in his hometown of Cataguases, Minas Gerais, Brazil. He is a hard-working man, trying to make the most of what he has. One day, his childhood friend Gildo reappears, driving a fancy car and boasting of his successful life in São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo. As the two sit down for a beer, memories, regrets and old resentments slowly resurface.