Olavi Saarinen


Laulava sydän
Location Manager
Haaviston Leeni
Location Manager
Haaviston Leeni
Location Manager
In mid-19th century Finland, Klaus von Rapp marries young Anette Erling. The marriage is full of happiness until Klaus’s deception is exposed and changes everything with catastrophic consequences.
In mid-19th century Finland, Klaus von Rapp marries young Anette Erling. The marriage is full of happiness until Klaus’s deception is exposed and changes everything with catastrophic consequences.
Pikku-Matti maailmalla
Kuudes käsky
Location Manager
Kuudes käsky
Posti-Kalle (uncredited)
Nuoruus sumussa
Location Manager
"Youth Astray" - About three young men trying to find a place in society after the war.
Nuoruus sumussa
Jussi Tervo
"Youth Astray" - About three young men trying to find a place in society after the war.
Nokea ja kultaa
Location Manager
Nokea ja kultaa
Suomisen Olli yllättää
Location Manager
Olli Suominen goes through the usual troubles of a teenager. After being in the war he is trying to find his place in the society. And the relations with his family is in turmoil. He also finds the sweet life in restaurants more exhilarating than being in the school and reading books for the forthcoming student exams.
Suomisen Olli yllättää
Mestari (uncredited)
Olli Suominen goes through the usual troubles of a teenager. After being in the war he is trying to find his place in the society. And the relations with his family is in turmoil. He also finds the sweet life in restaurants more exhilarating than being in the school and reading books for the forthcoming student exams.
Ristikon varjossa
Suomisen Olli rakastuu
Olli Suominen fancies his teacher and other shenanigans.
Nainen on valttia
Police Officer
A famous operette star Kirsti Kalpa escapes her busy and selfish fiance and hides as maid to house of 3 bachelors ( professor, composer and butler) , who basically hate women.
Suurin voitto
The local doctor Aarno works with his nurse wife Asta. After the death of their child, the spouses have distanced themselves from each other. The man is completely immersed in the work, his invention of medicine, and the treatment of the outbreak of an epidemic for which the wife no longer has interest in. She is jealous of her husband's close work relationship with nurse Taina.
Tuomari Martta
Martha's problem is balancing work and family. According to her husband Juho and father-in-law Kalle, the mother's place is at home with the child and not at work. Only her mother-in-law Ilona encourages Martta to advance in her career.
Tyttö astuu elämään
Rantasuon raatajat
Ellu Voutila (uncredited)
August järjestää kaiken
Location Manager
Bank manager wants to hire younger employees. Fired cashier decides to teach him a lesson.
Assistant Location Manager
Onnellinen ministeri
An artist bases a painting for a revealing lingerie ad on a photo of a girl he had found torn from a magazine, not knowing that the girl is in fact the daughter of the Finnish minister of finance. A scandal is about to erupt, and the artist is given 48 hours to find a strikingly similar-looking female model who could serve as his alibi. The minister's daughter decides to fool the artist by pretending to be a lowly girl of the streets, whom the artist then recruits as his "model".
Assistant Location Manager
A young heiress settles into a holiday hotel in search of a suitable husband. There are enough groom candidates, some gentlemen, and some cheaters. All that is certain is that the misfortunes will not end.
Kaivopuiston kaunis Regina
Assistant Location Manager
At the eve of Crimean war orphaned Regina lives with her grandmother in a small cabin near a lavish villa. As the summer approaches there is great anticipation of a big ball to be held.
Suomisen perhe
Assistant Location Manager
The film takes place in the summer and spring of 1940. Isä, the father, gets involved in the stock market and threatens the livelihood of the family.
Jos oisi valtaa…
Jos oisi valtaa…
Assistant Location Manager
Kulkurin valssi
St.Petersburg, 1830. An arrogant Finnish baron is playing cards with a Russian officer. Needless to say, the Finn wins and the Russian gets extremely annoyed. The situation is not helped by the fact that the baron has been seeing a girl that the Russian officer has also set his eyes on. They decide to have a duel and after the Finn wins fair and square, he has to escape because the untrustworthy Russians are after him.
Kulkurin valssi
Assistant Location Manager
St.Petersburg, 1830. An arrogant Finnish baron is playing cards with a Russian officer. Needless to say, the Finn wins and the Russian gets extremely annoyed. The situation is not helped by the fact that the baron has been seeing a girl that the Russian officer has also set his eyes on. They decide to have a duel and after the Finn wins fair and square, he has to escape because the untrustworthy Russians are after him.
Yövartija vain...
Tavaratalo Lapatossu & Vinski
Assistant Location Manager
A Finnish comedy film from 1940. The third in the "Lapatossu" trilogy.
Tavaratalo Lapatossu & Vinski
A Finnish comedy film from 1940. The third in the "Lapatossu" trilogy.
Runon kuningas ja muuttolintu
Location Manager
A poet finds a new muse in young woman.
Aatamin puvussa – ja vähän Eevankin…
The holiday of Pharmacist Himanen and Lieutenant Paavo Kehkonen turns into a nightmare when they pick up Station Chief Viirimäki, who is in a hurry to get to work. Their boat engine dies and runs into the rocks, leaving them stranded on an island with no clothes. Posing as a woman, Himanen gets to know the police chief's daughter Alli, but as a result of coincidences and misunderstandings, the two men end up in jail, each suspected in turn of being a fugitive Vikström.
Aatamin puvussa – ja vähän Eevankin…
Location Manager
The holiday of Pharmacist Himanen and Lieutenant Paavo Kehkonen turns into a nightmare when they pick up Station Chief Viirimäki, who is in a hurry to get to work. Their boat engine dies and runs into the rocks, leaving them stranded on an island with no clothes. Posing as a woman, Himanen gets to know the police chief's daughter Alli, but as a result of coincidences and misunderstandings, the two men end up in jail, each suspected in turn of being a fugitive Vikström.
Serenaadi sotatorvella eli sotamies Paavosen tuurihousut
Location Manager
Serenaadi sotatorvella eli sotamies Paavosen tuurihousut
Seitsemän veljestä
Based on a novel by Aleksis Kivi. Follows the story of seven brothers of Jukola in 19th century Finland.
Seitsemän veljestä
Assistant Location Manager
Based on a novel by Aleksis Kivi. Follows the story of seven brothers of Jukola in 19th century Finland.
Takki ja liivit pois!
Jumalan tuomio
Jumalan tuomio
Location Manager
Helmikuun manifesti
February Manifesto was Yrjö Norta's and Toivo Särkkä's Finnish movie from 1939. It is a Finnish historical drama about developing independency based on book of the writer Mika Waltari. Movie Starring Tauno Palo and Regina Linnanheimo. For it's anti-soviet thematics it was banned in Finland from 1944 to 1987.
Helmikuun manifesti
Assistant Location Manager
February Manifesto was Yrjö Norta's and Toivo Särkkä's Finnish movie from 1939. It is a Finnish historical drama about developing independency based on book of the writer Mika Waltari. Movie Starring Tauno Palo and Regina Linnanheimo. For it's anti-soviet thematics it was banned in Finland from 1944 to 1987.
Eteenpäin – elämään
Eteenpäin – elämään
Assistant Location Manager
Rykmentin murheenkryyni
Assistant Hairstylist
Rykmentin murheenkryyni
Assistant Location Manager
Rykmentin murheenkryyni
Makeup Artist
Rykmentin murheenkryyni
Alokas sulkeisessa (uncredited)
Assistant Location Manager
Koskenlaskijan morsian