Evan Allen


Опасная пациентка
Property Master
В центре сюжета оказывается Кэти Джонс — успешный пластический хирург, которая живет в собственном роскошном доме вместе с любимым супругом и двумя детьми. Однажды по рекомендации её хорошей подруги к ней на прием приходит обворожительная красотка Лиз, в которой Кэти с трудом узнает застенчивую девушку, проходившую вместе с ней практику во время учебы. Лиз так и не удалось построить карьеру врача, но девушка смогла найти себя в другом деле, и теперь она — успешный юрист. С появлением хорошего дохода Лиз стала тратить огромные деньги на совершенствование своей внешности, что и привело её к давней знакомой. Вот только Кэти совершенно не догадывалась, каковы были истинные мотивы её новой пациентки...
All Things Valentine
Property Master
Avery, a blogger with a string of disappointing Valentine’s Days, is ready to give up on love when she meets handsome veterinarian Brenden. When Avery finds out Brenden blames his recent break up on her blog and is the one leaving her angry comments, she begins to question whether the bond they’ve began to build is a true love story or yesterday’s news.
Not My Life
Property Master
After a car accident, a woman with a seemingly perfect life begins to have visions that suggest she is not who she thinks she is.
Один в темноте
Production Assistant
Частный детектив Эдвард Карнби — специалист по паранормальным явлениям, пытаясь найти истинную причину смерти своего друга, сталкивается со множеством необъяснимых загадок. Расследование приводит детектива на «Остров Теней», где Карнби оказывается перед лицом смертельной опасности, грозящей не только ему, но и всему миру.
Я, робот
Production Assistant
Действие фильма происходит в 2035 г., где роботы являются обычными помощниками человека. Главный герой — полицейский, «не переваривающий» роботов, расследует дело об убийстве, в которое оказывается вовлечен робот. Речь идет о возможном нарушении «Закона о Роботах» (робот никогда не поднимет руки на человека), что, в принципе, невозможно. Но если машины могут нарушать этот закон, то уже ничто не остановит их от захвата контроля над людьми, тем более, что человечество уже давно стало полностью зависимо от роботов…
Cybrid Wasteland
After a human-animal crossbreeding ban was lifted people were kidnapped and put into camps and experimented on. Scientists mixed the DNA of animals and humans to create all kinds of abominations. The food was poisonous, Sterilization programs began and all forms of human rights had been abolished. What was left of the human race stood up, fought back with numbers and won the civil war. ​20 years later Arex wakes from her coma into a cybrid wasteland. She has to survive and fight her way in this bizarre new world. With help from the Wastelanders she searches for her parents and fights her way against The Swine Crew, The Godless, The Mutation Nation and Abominations. Lurking in the shadows are the Shadow Kings. Join Arex on her journey for survival.
Cybrid Wasteland
After a human-animal crossbreeding ban was lifted people were kidnapped and put into camps and experimented on. Scientists mixed the DNA of animals and humans to create all kinds of abominations. The food was poisonous, Sterilization programs began and all forms of human rights had been abolished. What was left of the human race stood up, fought back with numbers and won the civil war. ​20 years later Arex wakes from her coma into a cybrid wasteland. She has to survive and fight her way in this bizarre new world. With help from the Wastelanders she searches for her parents and fights her way against The Swine Crew, The Godless, The Mutation Nation and Abominations. Lurking in the shadows are the Shadow Kings. Join Arex on her journey for survival.
Cybrid Wasteland
After a human-animal crossbreeding ban was lifted people were kidnapped and put into camps and experimented on. Scientists mixed the DNA of animals and humans to create all kinds of abominations. The food was poisonous, Sterilization programs began and all forms of human rights had been abolished. What was left of the human race stood up, fought back with numbers and won the civil war. ​20 years later Arex wakes from her coma into a cybrid wasteland. She has to survive and fight her way in this bizarre new world. With help from the Wastelanders she searches for her parents and fights her way against The Swine Crew, The Godless, The Mutation Nation and Abominations. Lurking in the shadows are the Shadow Kings. Join Arex on her journey for survival.
Cybrid Wasteland
After a human-animal crossbreeding ban was lifted people were kidnapped and put into camps and experimented on. Scientists mixed the DNA of animals and humans to create all kinds of abominations. The food was poisonous, Sterilization programs began and all forms of human rights had been abolished. What was left of the human race stood up, fought back with numbers and won the civil war. ​20 years later Arex wakes from her coma into a cybrid wasteland. She has to survive and fight her way in this bizarre new world. With help from the Wastelanders she searches for her parents and fights her way against The Swine Crew, The Godless, The Mutation Nation and Abominations. Lurking in the shadows are the Shadow Kings. Join Arex on her journey for survival.