The film revolves around the story of Li Yitian, who struggles in a big city, showing the current situation of the life of a new generation of young people, focusing on the ordinary people who are trying to live in contemporary society, and their pain and struggle from ideals to helplessness to new life.
A new transfer student, Lin Xiangzhi (Zhao Jinmai), who is quiet and intelligent but always alone, does not make friends with the other students. However, she attracts the attention of Xu Youshu (Lin Yi), a scum of the class. In the process of trying to befriend Lin Xiangzhi, he, the eccentric Song Xiaonan (Shen Yue) and the cool-headed Jiang Wu (Wang Jiahui) discover Lin Xiangzhi's secret, that she suffers from a special disease and her memory of her friends is only seven days.
По мотивам одноименного романа Ма Бойонга, фильм повествует о серии приключений, произошедших, когда потомки пяти колен захотели узнать правду о голове Будды у Цзетянь Минтана из династии Тан.
How far would a mother go to reverse her child’s fate? Based on writer/director Ann Hu’s story, that’s the question facing Lan (Zhu Zhu), who travels with her 9-year-old daughter Meimei (Harmonie He) from their small town in China to New York City.
Китай, начало 1990-х. Правительство с особой строгостью следит за выполнением правила «одна семья — один ребенок». Семья рабочих металлургического завода скрывает вторую беременность жены, но вскоре об этом узнают в профкоме...
Cop-turned-security guard Ma Xianyong finds himself in a criminal twilight zone when two unrelated events turn his world upside down. The mysterious disappearance of his boss has implications for his financial security. Even more perilous is the abduction of his paralyzed sister who, unknown to Ma, makes a morbid deal with her captors.
С появлением таинственного посетителя жизнь Юн Чэна, владельца магазинчика, торгующего возбуждающими средствами, меняется раз и навсегда. Он становится эксклюзивным продавцом недорогого индийского препарата от хронического миелолейкоза. Не только доходы Юн Чэна резко возросли, но и сам он от своих покупателей получил прозвище «бог медицины».