Nami Melumad


A Case for Love
“A Case for Love” is a heartfelt yet personally challenging movie inspired by the teachings and writings of Bishop Michael Curry, most well-known for his passionate sermon about “The Power of Love” at the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. This documentary examines whether or not love–specifically unselfish love–is the solution to the extreme societal and political divide facing the U.S.
Тор: Любовь и гром
Original Music Composer
Тор отправляется в путешествие, не похожее ни на что из того, с чем он когда-либо сталкивался, — в поисках внутреннего спокойствия. Но его выход на пенсию прерывается Горром Убийцей богов, который стремится уничтожить богов. Чтобы справиться с угрозой, Тор обращается за помощью к Валькирии, Коргу и бывшей подруге Джейн Фостер, которая, к удивлению Тора, необъяснимым образом владеет своим волшебным молотом Мьёльниром. Вместе они отправляются в душераздирающее космическое приключение, чтобы раскрыть тайну Горра и остановить его, пока не стало слишком поздно.
Far from the Tree
Original Music Composer
On an idyllic beach in the Pacific Northwest, curiosity gets the better of a young raccoon whose frustrated parent attempts to keep them both safe.
Anchor Point
Original Music Composer
A feature documentary about badass women that rely on each other as they fight fire and gender-based discrimination.
Американский Огурчик
Original Music Composer
Иммигрант из Восточной Европы Гершель Гринбаум в 1920 году приезжает в Америку в поисках лучшей жизни для себя и своей семьи. Однажды, работая на заводе, он падает в чан с солёными огурцами и проводит в нём следующие 100 лет. Очнувшись в Бруклине, Гринбаум обнаруживает, что совсем не постарел. Он ищет свою семью и узнаёт, что единственный из его живых родственников — его правнук-программист.
More Beautiful for Having Been Broken
Original Music Composer
Three women’s lives intersect at a lakeside resort and are forever changed by the love of a special needs boy.
Original Music Composer
Анастасия - единственная, кому удалось скрыться от Ленина и его сообщников, пройдя через магический портал. Теперь у нее есть американская подруга, они вместе пьют колу, едят спагетти и ходят на шопинг. Но девочек преследует Распутин, ведь над ним довлеют злые чары. Что окажется сильнее - черная магия или настоящая дружба?
Original Casting
Документальный фильм из VR-видеоигры Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond, основанный на воспоминаниях ветеранов Второй мировой войны.
Original Music Composer
A dark romantic comedy in the age of social media. Adele is an aggressive, self-conscious 17-year-old girl who spends most of her time "trolling" (i.e insulting) her classmates online. When she is hit on by another internet troll, Uri, they flirt until he urges her to send a picture in which she is actually visible. But instead of sending her own picture, Adele sends Uri a picture of a random pretty girl from Syria - sparking another unexpected relationship.
Over the Wall
Story Editor
A coincidental meeting between an Israeli boy and a Palestinian boy leads them to discover that reality is different than what they have been told.
Over the Wall
A coincidental meeting between an Israeli boy and a Palestinian boy leads them to discover that reality is different than what they have been told.
Church & State
Original Music Composer
Church & State is the improbable story of a brash, inexperienced gay activist and a tiny Salt Lake City law firm that joined forces to topple Utah’s gay marriage ban. The film’s ride on the bumpy road to equality in Utah offers a glimpse at the Mormon church’s influence in state politics and the squabbles inside the gay community that nearly derailed a chance to make history. Church & State is a story of triumph, setback and a little-known lawsuit that should have failed, but instead paved the way for a U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized gay unions nationwide.
Best Friend
Original Music Composer
After moving across the country, a little girl gets more than a best friend when her parents let her adopt a dog.
Original Music Composer
A conman abuses his psychic wife's abilities, blackmailing strangers with their futures, only to realize their own lives are in grave danger.
And the Tiara Goes to...
Original Music Composer
It's the mid-1970s, and nine-year-old Julie Albright plays on the boys' basketball team. She wants to perform basketball dribbling for her talent in the school beauty pageant but is teased by girls at school for the thought of it. Julie has to decide if she'll stay true to herself or conform to the norm. While she's at it, she gives an unconventional, yet forward-thinking answer to the interview question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" See Julie shine in this American Girl movie starring Jolie Ledford.