Ruth Smith


Production Manager
Mexico is notorious for being ruthless with it's own people. Over the years, the ones in charge have fancied with different flavors of governance. Although nothing has truly changed in centuries. Juan has worked for years as a submissive and trustworthy handyman, employed by a wealthy family of Monterrey, in northern Mexico. His father also worked for them, for many years. This job is the only inheritance that he received. But today, Juan has decided that from now on, things will be different.
Willard: The Hermit of Gully Lake
In the 1940's American-born Willard MacDonald jumped his troop train heading to WWII. Fearing authorities he lived as a hermit deep in the northern wilderness of Nova Scotia, Canada for more than 60 years inspiring folklore for generations.
Юные Демоны
В обычной средней школе американского Среднего запада создано тайное общество. Проникая в школьное здание по ночам, подростки играют в ведьм и колдунов-чернокнижников. Чтобы сделать игру еще более интересной, в одну из ночей они решили произнести древние магические заклинания из принесенной кем-то старинной книги. Но, как оказалось, эти заклинания не утратили своей страшной силы. Нечто невыразимо злобное и кошмарное постепенно овладевает ихдушами, превращая школьников в юных демонов…