Gail Harvey

Gail Harvey


Gail Harvey is a Canadian photographer and award-winning film director. She runs a production company called Straight Shooters in partnership with her daughter, award-winning actress Katie Boland. Gail has directed award-winning television shows Dark Matter (2015), Private Eyes (2016), Heartland (2007), Lost Girl (2010), Republic of Doyle (2010), Murdoch Mysteries (2008), as well as directing all the episodes of the HBO series The Line (2009), and two movies for Lifetime Network, Four Extraordinary Women (2006) starring Lindsay Wagner, and Home by Christmas (2006), starring Linda Hamilton.


Gail Harvey


Christmas on Cherry Lane
Three couples at different parts of life navigate big turning points in their lives over the holidays.
We're All in This Together
The members of the dysfunctional Parker family have had their fair share of complications. When matriarch Kate Parker miraculously survives plummeting over a waterfall in a barrel, a feat captured on a video that goes viral-,the Parkers have to do something they never thought possible: act like a real family.
Dying to Belong
When journalism major Olivia is encouraged to join a sorority by her shy friend Riley, she senses an opportunity to go undercover and write a story about hazing practices. But she soon discovers there are deadly secrets involved in being part of the sisterhood.
Пропавшая мать: Исчезновение Дженнифер Дулос
История о том, как богатая мать пятерых детей, находящаяся в процессе развода с мужем, таинственным образом бесследно исчезает.
Семейство Лэндри: Руби
Ruby Landry is filled with hope as love blooms with her high school sweetheart Paul Tate. But lingering thoughts of her mysterious father and her mother's death often creep into Ruby's mind.
Врата рая
Лишившись семьи и получив серьёзные травмы, Эмми, дочь Хэвен, позволяет Тони Таттертону заманить её в усадьбу Фартингейл. Находясь там, она тоскует по дорогим ей людям, особенно по её единокровному брату Люку. Без тепла его любви, она погружается во тьму отчаяния и вынуждена терпеть опеку медсестры Бродфилд.
No One Would Tell
Single mom Laura Collins has had a history of rocky relationships, so when her daughter Sarah begins dating the popular and charismatic Rob, Laura is thrilled with what she sees. But it soon becomes clear that Rob has a darker, possessive side. Then Sarah goes missing.
Never Saw It Coming
Keisha Ceylon is a psychic. At least, that’s what she passes herself off as. Her real powers have more to do with separating troubled families from their money than actually seeing into the netherworld. When Keisha targets the family of the missing Ellie Garfield she becomes entangled in the dark secrets of Ellis’s husband Wendell Garfield and his daughter Melissa.
Looking Is the Original Sin
An artist's daughter comes to terms with her mother's rough life and the connection they share.
Home By Christmas
Julia Bedford (Linda Hamilton) is a dedicated homemaker living in a modestly affluent neighborhood with her successful husband and sixteen-year-old daughter. When Julia discovers that her husband is cheating on her, her world is rocked. In their pending divorce, with most of her husband s assets carefully hidden, Julia is left with nothing except her car and her barely realistic child support checks. After moving into a small apartment, Julia tries to make do while working a minimum wage job. Her daughter hates their new scaled-down life and convinces her father and his new girlfriend to let her live with him. When Julia finally hits rock bottom and finds herself living in their car, she decides to begin her comeback--and ultimately discovers what s really valuable in life.
Four Extraordinary Women
John's mother was diagnosed, then his nanny. After that, his sister. And finally, his wife. This is the unbelievable (and unbelievably poignant) tale, inspired by actual events, of four courageous women who battled breast cancer, and the man who loved them all.
"Terry" tells the story of 21-year old amputee Terry Fox who attempted to run across Canada with only one leg. Unfortunately, he only made it to Thunder Bay, Ontario when he died, one month before his 23rd birthday yet his memories will live on forever in the hearts of Canadians everywhere.
Some Things That Stay
A coming-of-age story of a teenage girl from a liberal upbringing who moves to a conservative baptist community in rural 1950s America.
My Husband's Double Life
Still Photographer
A woman (Margaret Colin) discovers that her husband faked his death and assumed a new identity, while she struggled for 10 years as a single mother.
Striking Poses
When a beautiful paparazzo for a tabloid magazine finds herself pursued by a ruthless stalker, she is determined to emerge from this deadly game alive, and independently wealthy.
Убийство в Белом доме
Still Photographer
Захват американских заложников в Северной Корее вызвал бурю возмущения в Белом Доме. Президент Америки близок к тому, чтобы принять решение вмешаться и атаковать Корею. Тем временем в самом здании Белого Дома обнаружена убитая женщина, бывший секретарь. Расследование поручено полицейскому детективу Харлану Реджису, до этого не связанному с правительственными и секретными службами. Именно с последними он натыкается на стену глухого молчания. В этом деле ему не разобраться без помощи очаровательной женщины — секретного агента Нины Ченс, потому что кому, как не ей лучше знать секретную службу изнутри.
Холодный пот
Профессиональный убийца Марк Кэхилл решает уйти на покой после того, как был вынужден убить случайную свидетельницу. Но его убедили пойти еще на одно дело. Крутой и жесткий бизнесмен нанимает его убрать своего партнера, который обманывает его с женой и в бизнесе. Призрак убитой свидетельницы преследует Кэхилла.
The Shower
A feminine take on a Cassavetes drama, the film focuses on a group of women who have gathered for a surprise baby shower. However, as the female guests arrive (the household males having adjourned to an afternoon football game), the off-screen mother-to-be goes into premature labour, leaving the bored invitees to sip spiked punch and discuss the dearth of available men until the drunken boys return home, thus setting the stage for male/female confrontations, confessions and clumsy acts of copulation-notably while standing under a shower. An exploration of the contemporary trappings of male/female sexual politics.
The Shower
A feminine take on a Cassavetes drama, the film focuses on a group of women who have gathered for a surprise baby shower. However, as the female guests arrive (the household males having adjourned to an afternoon football game), the off-screen mother-to-be goes into premature labour, leaving the bored invitees to sip spiked punch and discuss the dearth of available men until the drunken boys return home, thus setting the stage for male/female confrontations, confessions and clumsy acts of copulation-notably while standing under a shower. An exploration of the contemporary trappings of male/female sexual politics.
The Shower
A feminine take on a Cassavetes drama, the film focuses on a group of women who have gathered for a surprise baby shower. However, as the female guests arrive (the household males having adjourned to an afternoon football game), the off-screen mother-to-be goes into premature labour, leaving the bored invitees to sip spiked punch and discuss the dearth of available men until the drunken boys return home, thus setting the stage for male/female confrontations, confessions and clumsy acts of copulation-notably while standing under a shower. An exploration of the contemporary trappings of male/female sexual politics.
Волшебное Рождество
Still Photographer
Джинни Грейнджер совсем утратила дух Рождества. Тяжелая работа, рутина, бедность, усталость - все это не способствует хорошему настроению. А тут еще безработный муж хочет истратить последние семейные сбережения на рождественские подарки детям. Но в Рождество происходят самые удивительные истории. И вот в городе появляется рождественский ангел. Не вполне обычный, без крыльев, зато в шляпе и длинном плаще. Он когда-то был человеком, спас тонущего мальчика, но сам утонул, потому что не умел плавать. И теперь раз в год он появляется где-нибудь на Земле как ангел, чтобы лишь одному единственному человеку попытаться вернуть веру в Рождество. И на этот раз его избранница — Джинни Грейнджер. Не простые, трагические испытания ждут ее на пути, но вера в Рождество и в доброту непременно вернется.
Миссис Соффел
Still Photographer
Питтсбург, 1901 год. В камере смертников Эд и Джек Биддл ожидают смертной казни за убийство, которого они не совершали. Жандарм Соффел разрешает своей жене Кейт передать Библию заключенным. Он и не подозревает, что акт милосердия обернется для него горькой утратой и несмываемым позором. Кейт, оказавшись во власти чар обаятельного Эда, не только поможет возлюбленному организовать побег из тюрьмы, но и сама примет в нем участие.