A successful Los Angeles TV chef is offered a new network series that will send her traveling around Europe, but her young daughter's heart is in San Antonio, Texas, and the restaurant where she got her start is struggling.
In the wake of Fidel Castro's rise to power, over 14,000 unaccompanied children fled to the United States in hopes of a better life. Inspired by their stories, Esta Es Tu Cuba follows Anton, a young boy who is thrust into adulthood as revolution tears his family apart.
История жизни Бена Ароноффа, как история скоростной гонки на выживание. Кто выйдет победителем, оказавшись между молотом и наковальней, в схватке между полицией и мафией.
A 2018 English language drama film directed by Luis Enrique Rodríguez, starring Cristina Soler, Yancey Arias and Bianca Marroquin.