Jivan Avetisyan


Врата в рай
2016 год. Известный немецкий журналист Роберт возвращается в Арцах, чтобы осветить события вновь разразившегося военного конфликта. Во время журналистского расследования он знакомится с молодой оперной певицей Софией, они влюбляются друг в друга. Однако вскоре Роберт узнает, что София является дочерью пропавшего без вести фотожурналиста Эдгара Мартиросяна, попавшего в плен во время захвата деревни Талиш в 1992 году. Которого 24 года назад Роберт не спас из плена и чьи фотографии, сделанные на поле боя, он впоследствии выдал за свои.
The Last Inhabitant
In an Armenian village, evicted in the result of the Armenian-Azeri conflict, Abgar stays behind all alone in a gradually shrinking enemy ring. He is waiting for his daughter, who became a witness to her husband's murder by an angry mob and was hospitalized with a mental disorder. An Azeri named Ibrahim, offers Abgar to work on the construction of a mosque and promises to find and bring Abgar's daughter instead... A few days later, Ibrahim finds the girl, named Yurga, in one of the psychiatric hospitals of Baku and brings her to Abgar. Abgar wants to leave the village with his daughter, but his skills of a stonemason are still needed for construction of a new mosque. Abgar realizes that this work in the Azerbaijani village will be endless and realizes that he's been trapped.
The film consists of three parts. The first one is about a harmonious family that will be separated because of the existing situation. Little Aram carries the tragedy of the separated family. In a day, his entire childhood ends. The reason is one thing only… In the second part of the film a feminine touch is evident by Astghik’s character. One step and peace turn to war in a day, that’s when she loses her friendship, her love, and the idol. The third film tells about a 14-year old Tevanik who becomes part of the war activities. During the fights and as a result of his inability to put an end to a beauty, moments become decisive for Tevanik
Broken Childhood
This film is about a six year old Lena, who was captured by the Azeri`s during the Kharabakh war back in 1992. The girl was taken to an Azeri woman Fatima Khala, in a goal to be exchanged with her lost son. During this time the fear and the revulsion changed to a mutual charity and the result of this is that Fatima sends Lena back to her family after 4 months, exchanging her with a body of an Azeri soldier unknown to her. In Lena's memories, Fatima is still waiting for her son.