Davide Gambarini


The Carpenter
Sam Rhino
Цена безопасности
После того как в прибрежном городке происходит нападение на молодую женщину, местный эксперт по безопасности и его семья оказываются втянуты в паутину тайн и лжи.
The Balkans 1443 . After a long successful military experience in the Turkish army, the reputation of the young Kastriota reached Albania and people began to hope in his return to his homeland, from which he was taken away as a child. When the Sultan gives the hero the task of facing János Hunyadi, Kastriota will start a journey towards finding his true self and choosing his path.
Double Rumble
Reality News
De Santis
Nine actors and their driver are taken hostage during a theatrical tour organized for Italian soldiers in countries striven by war. The kidnap has a political motive and soon turns into a reality show without the hostages knowledge. The terrorist are sending a live feed to an Italian TV station which gets broadcast 24 hrs a day, in exchange for proceeds from advertising sales. The hostages are completely isolated, surrounded by woods, by the silence and suddenly find themselves struggling with the violence of the kidnappers, their precarious hygienic conditions and with themselves.
The Darkest Night
A young girl witnesses her friend's murder. The killer realizes that he has been seen. A long hunt begins that will last all night, ending in an out of service hotel where the truth of what happened will be revealed.