A quirky and inspirational documentary film on the philosophical approach to the life and work of character actor, Austin Pendleton.
A couple reunites after a long separation to find themselves in a world that seems designed for their enjoyment and comfort. They immediately get married. During the ceremony, the Judge marrying them confronts them with the reality of their own mortality and challenges them to fight together against death. This perfect wedding day is returned to periodically throughout an examination of their future as they cope with life, love, and death.
Frannie's Student
Жизнь обычной нью-йоркской женщины Френни Эйвери необратимо меняется после произошедшего по соседству от неё убийства. Детектив, расследующий это преступление, уверен в связи Френни с этим зверством, но это не мешает им завести друг с другом любовную интригу, полную тёмной страсти…