Peter Thompson


The Arctic: 66.5 Degrees North
Director of Photography
The beauty of the Arctic is breathtaking. For as long as we can remember, the Arctic has been associated with inhospitable cold. But the climate is changing, and with it the northern polar region, which begins beyond latitude 66.5 degrees north. Climate change is now happening four times faster north of the Arctic Circle than on the rest of the planet, making the future outlook dire. At the moment it is still possible for polar bears to raise their cubs, but hunting is becoming increasingly difficult on the drastically shrinking pack ice. The disappearance of the ice also affects the marine fauna. The wintry ice bridge between Canada and Greenland is threatened with collapse. The unstoppable melting of the permafrost, which has held the tundra together for thousands of years, is worrying. But the Arctic is still one of the wildest and loveliest regions on earth. A documentary visit to the Arctic - as long as it still exists.
Antarctica: The Frozen Time
Director of Photography
The bleakness of Antarctica is a fallacy. The ice continent is full of life and offers a biodiversity of which only about two percent are known. Much of it is under water and could determine the future of human beings. When the northern lights cover the ice landscape in summer, the animals in the Antarctic are in a paradisiacal state. Whales blow their fountains in the sky, penguins fly like small rockets into the water, seals dive for crabs under the glittering ice floes. From the bay of the Ross Sea to the ice shelf, from the huge penguin colonies to steaming volcanoes, a life in rhythm with the ice. But the consequences of climate change are slowly becoming apparent here too. While some species are dying, others are spreading. They could bring new viruses and bacteria with them, and new dangers for humans too. The structure of nature has gotten off course. How many generations will still be able to experience the magic of Antarctica?
Полёт над Россией
Helicopter Camera
Девятимесячное путешествие над самой гигантской страной на Земле: от Северного Ледовитого океана до пустынь Калмыкии, от самой высокой вершины Европы Эльбрус до камчатских вулканов. С высоты птичьего полета демонстрируются безграничные просторы и поражающие воображение контрасты России. В фокусе пустынные ландшафты, впечатляющие метрополии, дикие животные, таежные леса, холода Сибири и многое другое. Это Россия, какой ее еще никто не видел, снятая с вертолетов лучшими в мире аэро-кинооператорами.
Серро Торре: Шанс в снежном аду
Aerial Director of Photography
Серро Торре - один из самых красивых и неприступных пиков на этой планете, который находится в Патагонии, на границе Аргентины и Чили. Его высота - 3 128 метров. В 1970 году итальянец Чезаре Маестри первым преодолел опасный маршрут. С помощью бензинового компрессора он забил в гранитную стену 340 шлямбурных крючьев и добрался до вершины. За четыре десятилетия навыки и техническое оснащение альпинистов усовершенствовались. 19-летний вундеркинд Дэвид Лама и его напарник Дэниэль Штойрер собираются повторить маршрут Чезаре Маестри, не используя при восхождении специальных приспособлений.
31 North 62 East
Aerial Camera
A psychological thriller about how an elite SAS unit's position is revealed by the British Prime Minister to ensure an arms deal goes ahead and to secure his re-election.