Jency Griffin Hogan


Days of Daisy
Daisy Bea
As her 40th birthday draws near, high school librarian Daisy feels societal pressure to settle down and start a family. When the art teacher at Daisy's school abruptly quits mid-term, she teams up with a local photographer to give the students the art program they deserve.
The Shade Shepherd
Set in Indiana in 1987, Pike Ables is charged with a murder he can’t remember in the midst of heroin withdrawal. Now, he must make a decision: go to jail or head for the Canadian border to start a new life. His only hope is his younger brother, Jack, a frustrated psychiatrist and soon-to-be father who is ready to leave everything behind – including his pregnant wife – to try and save him. Things aren’t as they seem when the brothers try to navigate out of the darkness and into the light.
Christmas Cars
A down-and-out actor unwittingly causes controversy when he sells miniature cars online during Christmastime.
Kiley Audience Member 1
Портрет маргинального певца и поэта-песенника Блэйза Фоли, обогатившего репертуар многих легенд кантри-музыки: Мерла Хаггарда, Вилли Нельсона, Лайла Ловетта, Джона Прайна. Его жизнь, любовь и творчество выходили за рамки всех стандартных сценариев и установок.
Madeline's Oil
Madeline's oil is a moving short film that follows the turning point in the lives of the 1800's Louisiana family. The strong heroine of the family does whatever it takes to save her daughter Madeline. Part American Western drama and part complex family saga, Madeline's oil delves into deep topics like love, racism, death, hate and dysfunction with realistic dialogue and lovable characters. It's a film that is sure to leave a lasting impression on audience members of all ages.
Madeline's Oil
Loti (as Jency Griffin)
Madeline's oil is a moving short film that follows the turning point in the lives of the 1800's Louisiana family. The strong heroine of the family does whatever it takes to save her daughter Madeline. Part American Western drama and part complex family saga, Madeline's oil delves into deep topics like love, racism, death, hate and dysfunction with realistic dialogue and lovable characters. It's a film that is sure to leave a lasting impression on audience members of all ages.
Любовь по рецепту и без
David Chen
Дуглас — владелец аптеки. Он скромен и прост, а жена ни во что его не ставит. Все ее друзья — местные богачи. Но вот однажды в его аптеку, за виагрой для немолодого мужа, заходит роковая красотка Элизабет, с которой у Дугласа начинается стремительный роман. Элизабет знакомит его с различными препаратами, благодаря которым можно получать от секса больше удовольствия, а Дуглас, как талантливый фармацевт, оказывается прекрасным учеником, смешивая всевозможную химию для достижения максимального экстаза. И вот, в размышлениях между соитиями, Элизабет в голову приходит гениальная идея — а не отравить ли им ее мужа и зажить припеваючи на его деньги? Какой выбор сделает Дуглас?
A young woman opens up about PTSD from her past sexual assault, when she can't kiss a boy she's falling for.