Nana, who aims to be an actress, has no buds. Nagasaki calls out to Nana as she walks through her town. She is curtly treated by her, but invites her to a nearby cafe and asks for her Nana and Yori back. But Nana has another target. He even threatened to break up with her wife, but she insisted she wasn't interested. Unable to allow her Nagasaki to treat her unkindly and in the end be taken away by her other man, he hit her from behind. Nana is photographed naked by female photographer Chigusa. She was her next target. While teaching Nana, who has a poor expression, Chigusa inadvertently kisses her. Nana accepts Chigusa and she embraces him. She said after the fact that Nana wanted her to lend money to Chigusa. She was being chased by her apartment landlord because she was behind on her rent. Chigusa said she would send the pictures together when they were done and she said she would also introduce the producer of the film.
Five women get hunted in the Massacre Woods.
Based on Minoru Nagao's 1969 experimental book Illustrator: Basara ningen.
Действие этой захватывающей психологической драмы происходит в Киото в 1865 году. Содзабуро, 18-летний юноша, изящный и стройный, как девушка, поступает в отряд самураев императора. Он не знает женской любви. Юноша Содзабуро бесстрашен, блестяще владеет мечом, и его принимают в самурайский "эскадрон смерти" Синсенгуми. Содзабуро ещё не знает, что для самурая любовь и смерть всегда неразделимы. Между Содзабуро Кано и его соперником, хитрым Ташизо, жаждущим главенствующей роли самурая, растёт напряжённость. Противостояние этих двоих повлияет на остальных персонажей, раскрыв давно подавленные эмоции...
Japanese Soldier #1
Остров Ява, 1942 год. Британский майор Селльерс попадает в японский лагерь для военнопленных. Его несгибаемый дух становится непреодолимым препятствием для тюремщиков. Начальник лагеря Йоннои верит в дисциплину и кодекс самурайской чести. В его глазах военнопленные являются трусами, которые предпочли плен смерти. Йоннои во что бы то ни стало намерен сломить загадочного британца. В противостояние этих двух людей невероятной силы воли и твердости духа пытается вмешаться полковник Лоуренс. Его любовь к культуре Японии и знание японского языка делают его опасной фигурой для обеих сторон - поскольку он может понимать и тех, и других...
Japanese pink film
Pinku from 1980.
Pinku from 1977
The relationship between Japan and Keros became tense due to the conflict between the salmon and trout fishing grounds in the north. The government tried to survive by offering the Northern Territories to Keros, who gathered the Keros faction elements in the corps in the central mountains and aimed to invade at once, but the defense agency executive who was dissatisfied with this kept secret to the police officer Lieutenant Ando. I ordered you to subdue. Then, dozens of daredevils, including Mitsuharu Hanai, who joined the army for some reason, gathered and trained in excellent commands. Hard training continued every day, and finally the sortie order came down.
The relationship between Japan and Keros became tense due to the conflict between the salmon and trout fishing grounds in the north. The government tried to survive by offering the Northern Territories to Keros, who gathered the Keros faction elements in the corps in the central mountains and aimed to invade at once, but the defense agency executive who was dissatisfied with this kept secret to the police officer Lieutenant Ando. I ordered you to subdue. Then, dozens of daredevils, including Mitsuharu Hanai, who joined the army for some reason, gathered and trained in excellent commands. Hard training continued every day, and finally the sortie order came down.
Mitsuji Hanai
The relationship between Japan and Keros became tense due to the conflict between the salmon and trout fishing grounds in the north. The government tried to survive by offering the Northern Territories to Keros, who gathered the Keros faction elements in the corps in the central mountains and aimed to invade at once, but the defense agency executive who was dissatisfied with this kept secret to the police officer Lieutenant Ando. I ordered you to subdue. Then, dozens of daredevils, including Mitsuharu Hanai, who joined the army for some reason, gathered and trained in excellent commands. Hard training continued every day, and finally the sortie order came down.