Russ Whitelock


Destined at Christmas
Kim and Theo meet in the midst of Black Friday shopping madness but there's a definite spark between them. When a power outage causes some panic at a store, the couple gets separated. With Christmas coming, there should be plenty of distractions but neither Kim nor Theo can forget the other. Both yearn to find each other but how with so little information to go on?
Hot Chocolate Holiday
Colette runs a coffee shop that is known for her secret and famous hot chocolate. When Marcus, a new dessert shop owner, starts to draw in Colette's customers with his very own specialty hot chocolate that tastes exactly like the recipe from her beloved grandmother, she is determined to expose him. But as she gets to know Marcus, sparks fly between the cocoa connoisseurs.
Идентичная любовь
Шарлотту прямо на свадьбе бросил жених. Пытаясь отвлечься и забыть его, она едет волонтёром в другую страну, но видит там брата-близнеца своего бывшего жениха. Сможет ли Шарлотта полюбить его и не видеть в нём своего бывшего?
The Santa Box
Kallie thinks she's cursed by Christmas. For the past 5 years, something bad has happened every Christmas season. One day she finds The Santa Box on her doorstep. Inside is a note that changes how Kallie feels about Christmas forever.
Чудеса на Рождество
Мэнди Пейджест - владелица небольшого книжного магазина, которая просто обожает Рождество. В этот прекрасный зимний праздник даже взрослые надеются на какое-нибудь чудо. Однажды Мэнди обнаруживает в подаренной книге письмо Санта-Клаусу. Женщина решает сделать все возможное, чтобы осуществить рождественскую мечту незнакомого человека. Вот только проблема заключается в том, что письмо было написано около семидесяти лет назад. Не взирая на это, Мэнди не опускает руки и готова сделать все, чтобы найти его автора и сотворить для него настоящее чудо. Но и у самой героини имеет заветное желание, которое, возможно, тоже исполнится в эту рождественскую ночь...
Hello I Love You
Original Music Composer
Andy Miller has asked a large number of women he didn't know to marry him. They said no. But Emma, a beautiful veterinary student agrees to go on some dates to see if they'll fall in love. Emma thinks this is all a joke set up by her roommate Mandy, but it's all a reality TV show created by Andy and Emma's the oblivious star.
Storm Rider
When her father is put into jail, the spoiled teenager Dani loses everything. Forced to live with her uncle Sam on a farm without horses to ride and to train a sad Dani takes care of a young mule and learns what really counts.
A Christmas Wish
MARTHA EVANS has been abandoned by her ne'er-do-well husband, who took all their cash and left her homeless and virtually destitute with her two daughters and stepson. Martha leaves town in hopes of finding a job and a place to stay, she finally finds a job at a sleepy rural diner, formerly famous for its home-made root beer. But with her car broken down and the bills piling up, it looks like it's going to be a bleak Christmas for the Evans family. However, there are warm hearts working behind the scenes that ultimately make this the happiest holiday of Martha's life -- a real answer to her prayers