16 years later, Tanguy, now 44, returns to his parents' house with his daughter Zhu under his arm because Meï Lin left him. Disappointed to see their "little one" in this state, Paul and Edith do everything to give him a taste for life, without realizing that by doing so, they braid the rope to hang themselves. Because Tanguy is starting to feel good with his parents.
Состоятельный шестидесятилетний новозеландец французского происхождения Шарль Дюменж внезапно узнаёт, что он смертельно болен. По заверениям врачей ему осталось жить всего несколько недель. Не имея ни семьи, ни наследника, он начинает искать на западе Франции сестру, которую не видел добрых пятьдесят лет. На объявление Шарля с обещанием большого вознаграждения откликается отчаянно нуждающаяся в деньгах адвокат из окрестностей Нанта Коринна. Её поиски, однако, оказываются безуспешными. Отчаявшись, с помощью друзей и знакомых она создаёт для Шарля фальшивую семью. Всё срабатывает самым лучшим образом. На другом конце света Шарль просто счастлив, найдя желанных наследников. Неожиданно он узнаёт, что его диагноз оказался ошибочным, и он полностью здоров. Полный радости, он отправляется во Францию, чтобы повидаться со своей вновь обретённой «семьей».
Жестокое убийство ничем не примечательной юной девушки Ванессы Ринже потрясает обитателей маленькой парижской улицы. След, казалось бы, ведёт к владельцу ближайшего ресторанчика, и по нему уверенно устремляются полицейские. Но Лола Жост, отставной комиссар полиции, не так наивна, чтобы сразу хвататься за самую очевидную версию. Вместе со своей приятельницей – эксцентричной американкой Ингрид Дизел - она начинает собственное расследование, которое затягивает их в бездну чужих страстей: любви, ревности и алчности.
Eddie, Dov, Yvan and the others ... Our warm friends have migrated from the moribund Sentier to the flourishing suburb of Aubervilliers ... Where the old Jewish entrepreneurs left the ground to young courageous and dynamic Chinese wholesalers ... The little band is as close to each other as in previous episodes, and life goes on at the mercy of small family events and business. Dov still seems frivolous, enterprising Eddie, chilled Yvan, casual Karine, resolute Sandra, naive Chochana, irresponsible Serge and mythomaniac. As for Patrick, he is in love and the happy elected is far from easy to access. Everything would be fine until a bad wind brings its share of adversity seriously compromising the cohesion of the group. Will they succumb under the storm to the turmoil, or, once again, by mutual aid, cunning and skill, will they triumph over the crisis with panache?
Agathe Clery, a marketing manager for a cosmetics company, is snobbish, stubborn and racist. When she is diagnosed with Addison Syndrome, an disorder that darkens the pigmentation of one's skin, she suddenly finds herself resembling a black woman.
Three siblings who detest each other and hiking must complete together a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in order to be eligible to inherit their mother's wealth.
«Ты такой миленький... Если ты хочешь, ты можешь оставаться в этом доме всю свою жизнь…» Склоненные над младенцем Танги, Поль и Эдит Гец не представляли, до какой степени это признание в любви их младенцу оказалось пророческим. 28 годами позже, Танги всегда в доме родителей. Блистая успехами в изучении китайского языка, очаровав весь мир, соблазняя всех, кого только можно, Танги сидит на шее своих родителей и чувствует себя прекрасно.
A bourgeois couple, modern yet conventional. One night by accident, a young prostitute barges into their lives. Hounded down, beaten up, threatened, she will continue to struggle, with the help of a well off lady, first for her survival-her resurrection-then for her dignity and freedom. Stormy encounters for everyone involved.
Anna and her husband Jean-Paul have to face a long and difficult separation since Jean-Paul is a spationaut. Thanks to a video device they can see each other and communicate... But definitely not for the best!
Victor is a legal advisor who finds himself abandoned by his wife and fired the same day. He tries to seek comfort from different friends and family members, but everyone he meets is concerned with their own problems. His morale begins to falter when he realizes that no one cares about him.
Tatie Danielle is a black comedy about a widow who is intent on ruining the lives of her great-nephew and his wife. Tsilla Chelton plays the title character, who mourns the death of her husband by tormenting everyone she meets. Eventually, she moves in with her nephew and his vain wife. Soon, her family is at war with Tatie, and takes off for Greece, leaving her in the care of Sandrine (Isabelle Nanty), an au pair who is as equally bitter as Tatie herself. At first the two don't get along, yet the two eventually become friends. However, Sandrine is invited to accompany an American student for an overnight stay at the beach, which would leave Tatie alone for a night. Angered, Tatie fires Sandrine, and while she is alone, she goes into deep depression, eventually setting the family's apartment on fire. The fire becomes a national story, with Tatie cast as a poor old lady and the family labeled as cruel and heartless villains.
A company president gets framed with a food-poisoning scandal and the only person who can help him is the evening cleaning-woman, who always seems to be at the right place at the right time.
Комедия о трех холостяках, снимающих вместе роскошные апартаменты, любящих развлечения и вдруг вынужденных взять на себя заботу о младенце, оставленного на их попечение импульсивной подругой одного из них...
Michel, a referee has to suffer the consequences of having whistled a penalty against a team which is supported by football hooligans.
An official's earlier rise to power had some sordid aspects that are about to be uncovered by the death of his uncle. While he is trying to contain any potential scandal, the man becomes enamored of the daughter of his uncle's maid. This new romance inspires him to forget worries about a public image and focus on a new life -- not any easy objective when unsavory friends and foes have their own agendas in mind.
Nora and Jock arrive in the strange village of Litan during the Festival of the Dead.
In this eerie, atmospheric tale, a young woman is on a train when she sees some people she thinks she knows from her childhood. On arriving home, her husband tells her that a certain countess has died. At that point, the film cuts to a scene of the countess singing in a mausoleum while the visual image of the graveyard's many tombstones passes before one's eyes. Back home, the husband -- also a "father-figure" -- is looking over his collection of wooden angels. Some time elapses, and he surreptitiously sees a thief come down through the chimney, steal some things, and then leave. To combat any recurrence, he builds an iron, escape-proof cage around the fireplace, and then goes away on a trip. When he comes back, he finds the thief dead in the cage. Thus far, the camera has only shown the husband in profile or from the back. Then there is another story about a young girl, with a spiteful, nasty mother, who is trying to cope with her own attraction to a man.
Ten years after the French political upheavals of 1968, a maturing "soixante-huitard" falls in with some young radicals who are influenced by a book he had written. But does he still have the guts to translate his ideas into acts against the state? And is he still attractive to younger chicks?