David Anderson


Sweet Tooth: Мальчик с оленьими рогами
The Goat Man
Милый мальчик — получеловек-полуолень — пускается под защитой мрачного друга в опасное приключение в надежде начать новую жизнь.
Осада базы
Отряд Американских солдат патрулирует территорию и попадают на базу «Глория» в джунглях где царит полный разброд и брожение — kомандир базы в стельку пьяный, солдаты долбят дурь и постреливают по джунглям, kомандир отряда капрал Джозеф «Нард» ДиНардо (Уингз Хаузер) берёт командование на себя, они с большими потерями отбивают мощную атаку гуков…
Глаз орла
Special Forces Officer
"The Lost Command," a bunch of notorious renegades, terrorize South Vietnam, forcing Sgt. Zack Skinner, HQ's best man to hunt down the Command to stop its killing spree.
No Dead Heroes
General Craig
Left for dead in Vietnam, Lieutenant Cotter became a guinea pig for KGB baddie Mitovitch. Implanted with a mind control microchip, he is turned into a mindless killer. His colleague Lieutenant Sanders goes looking for him in Cambodia, then in El Salvador, where they kill pretty much everyone they meet.
Attorney Herman Myles
A story of mistaken identity... A story of love, lust and power... A story of guns, and men who use them...
The Pirate Movie
Associate Producer
A comedy/musical utilizing both new songs and parodies from the original (Gilbert and Sullivan's Pirates of Penzance), as well as references to popular films of the time, including Star Wars and Raiders of the Lost Ark. In your typical boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy fights girl with swords plot, the story revolves around Mabel ...
Doctor Who: The Time Meddler
Fight Choreographer
In England, 1066, the Doctor confronts a mysterious Monk who is attempting to change history.
Doctor Who: The Crusade
Reynier de Marun
In 12th century Palestine, the Doctor and his friends are drawn into the holy war between the forces of King Richard the Lionheart and the Saracen ruler Saladin.
Doctor Who: The Aztecs
Aztec Captain
The TARDIS materialises inside an Aztec tomb. Outside it, the Doctor and his companions soon discover that Mexico in the 15th century is a bloodthirsty and dangerous place... And with Barbara mistaken for a reincarnation of an ancient high priest called Yetaxa, the history teacher thinks that she can put an end to the barbaric human sacrifices once and for all. But can she rewrite history without disastrous consequences?