Dinda Amanda

Dinda Amanda

Рождение : 1985-06-22,


Dinda Amanda is an Indonesian film editor.


Dinda Amanda
Dinda Amanda


Большая четвёрка
Детектив расследует смерть своего отца и отправляется за подсказкой на отдаленный тропический остров, где узнает, что он был лидером группы наемных убийц. Теперь за ней охотятся его враги, и ей приходится объединиться с мошенниками, которых тренировал её отец, - четырьмя отставными убийцами, которым не повезло и которые жаждут вернуться в игру.
Заклятье: 13-й этаж
1984 год. Спасшись от последователей сатанинского культа, семейство Сувоно переехало из деревни в Джакарту и поселилось в социальном многоэтажном доме, одиноко стоящем на пустыре. Жизнь идёт своим чередом: Рини решает отдохнуть от заботы о младших братьях и поехать учиться, Тони пытается подружиться с местной красавицей, Бонди с друзьями находит недалеко от дома могильную плиту. В новостях говорят о надвигающемся мощном тайфуне, а в доме начинает твориться какая-то мистика, и вскоре происходит страшный несчастный случай.
Arini by Love.inc
Memory is Arini's remaining identity: the boundary between the real and the virtual. Who is Arini really?
Being an agent, Bilal must live his life for the success of a mission. The memory of her mother who is the determinant of success is torn apart by Marla, a mentor who doesn't care about anything, even the social aspects of her agent's life. #GalaxyMovieStudio presents: KONFABULASI, The EPIC Short Movie by Angga Dwimas Sasongko taken using # GalaxyS21 Ultra 5G.
Crazy Awesome Teachers
When staff salaries get stolen at his school, a reluctant new teacher sets out to recoup the money and soon discovers the joys of teaching.
Something Old, New, Borrowed and Blue
A traditional wedding procession walks along a narrow street towards the home of the bride. Guests and family members are waiting inside the home on this big day, as they listen to prayers from the loudspeakers. The bride, Putri, is getting ready inside her bedroom while her mother is helping with the final touches of her hair and makeup. Tender and frank conversations about marriage are shared between mother and daughter in that intimate space, before Putri leaves to begin a new life with her husband.
Ад женщины
Пережив нападение и попытку убийства, Майя решает уехать из города в деревню, где ей, как выясняется, достался по наследству дом. Местная община очень рада приезду девушки, ведь теперь они могут убить её, чтобы снять с деревни древнее проклятье.
Гундала: Сын молнии
Ещё ребенком Санчака потерял родителей — отец погиб, отстаивая права рабочих, а мать уехала на заработки и не вернулась — с тех пор мальчик выживал самостоятельно. Нелегкая жизнь на улице научила его не только эффективно махать ногами, а и думать в первую очередь о собственной безопасности, но когда волна насилия захлёстывает город, мужчине приходится встать на сторону униженных и оскорбленных. А поскольку в результате удара молнии наш герой получил свехспособности, врагам простого народа придётся несладко.
It tells a story about a girl with dissociative identity disorder and how it affects her life and those around her.
The Seen and Unseen
Tantra and Tantri are inseparable. When they secretly steal eggs from the family’s sacrificial offering, Tantri always gets the whites and Tantra the yolks. One day, however, the yolk is missing, as is Tantra. Her brother gravely ill and in hospital, Tantri starts slipping into magical parallel worlds, approaching the inevitable farewell through costumes, body paint and dance. When at one point Tantri’s mother washes the paint from her face, it is as if tenderly to expel the illusion that things can remain as they are. In long dream sequences and against the background of the Balinese philosophy of sekala – the seen – and niskala – the unseen – Andini relates how one ten-year-old girl deals with parting and grief.
Olga Heritage
In need of money, a boarding house owner's brother heads off to an island to find a precious stone but must fend off several bumbling treasure hunters.
Tabula Rasa
After his dreams of becoming a pro footballer are crushed, a young man discovers the joys of cooking through the owner of a struggling restaurant.
Catatan (Harian) Si Boy
Satrio and Natasha met in an incident. Satrio who is interested in Natasha decides to help her find the owner of a diary of a man named "Boy".
Kawin Kontrak
Assistant Editor
Three teenagers look for village girls to have temporary marriages or a "marriage by contract". They are well prepared with Cialis, Viagra, and even rubber bands. Jody, who likes older women, has a "marriage by contract" with Teh Euis, a pretty widow with one child. Dika, who likes it rough, has a "marriage by contract" with Rani who is tough at hitting mattresses when cleaning it, while Rama, who is very picky, is head over heels with Isa’s gentleness and natural beauty. But there is still a long way to go before their mission (to have sex) is accomplished. The sexy Teh Euis always comes up with ridiculous reasons at the "critical" moments while Rani’s feistiness hides a secret; and Isa’s gentleness is threatened by a wicked plan. It is a comic and sensual adventure and the three "heroes" find the feeling that has been behind their raging hormones: love.
Forever Love
Assistant Editor
Aristha met his old lover Bara at the police station. Bara, who feels guilty because Aristha plunges into the world of drugs, trying desperately to pull Aristha of that world. Aristha very hurt because Bara suddenly disappear, struggling away from Bara, despite the increasingly dark life.