Young Prince Nechljudov is summoned as a judge in a murder trial. A rich merchant was found dead in the room of the inn where he was staying and the prostitute Maslova was accused of the crime. Nechljudov recognizes in the woman the maid of the aunts he had seduced and abandoned years before and tries to convince the authorities of her of his innocence but to no avail. Convinced that he is responsible for her moral fall, he follows her to Siberia where she must serve her sentence.
Katja Fleming has given up her job as an actress and married the business man Robert Fleming. But the cold that surrounds her in her modern, luxurious high-rise makes her lonely. Then she meets the author John Lawrence, who wants to convince her to perform in his new play.
Фильм повествует о боевом пути бойцов штурмового батальона, воевавших на Западном фронте в 1917 году. В течение всего 1917 года штурмовой батальон перебрасывают на самые тяжелые участки фронта, где ведутся самые кровопролитные бои: весной-бои на реке Эна в Шампани, затем бои топкой грязи Фландрии, сражение при Камбрэ. Силами кинематографа 30-х годов воссозданы ужасы Первой Мирвой Войны: нескончаемые артобстрелы, топкая грязь позиционной войны, рукопашные схватки и штурмовые атаки, подрыв укреплений и «зачистка окопов», газовая атака и бой с танком.