Joseph Zuchowski


Band of Rebels
U.S. Colonel McBride
A group of confederate soldiers uses their unique set of skills to travel behind enemy lines to take on deadly missions which reign havoc on the Union army.
King of Britons
The Britons are betrayed and attacked by the Saxons. Separated from his people, the leader of the Britons is taken in and tended to. While recovering, he discovers how badly his people are being treated. Furious, he develops a plan to exact revenge upon the Saxons, and free his people, once and for all.
Mother Noose Presents Once Upon a Nightmare
From the sick minds that brought you Frankenthug and Room for Rent, comes their next tale of TERROR; Mother Noose presents Once Upon a Nightmare, an anthology of twisted fairy tales! Join Mother Noose as she corrupts your mind with a sinister tales for Cinderella, mutilates your sense with a HORRENDOUS rendition of Hansel and Gretel and TEARS your soul apart with The Three Little Pigs. Erin Brown (Masters of Horror), Jezibell Anat (Arte Factum: Legends) and Jon Devlin (Joe Stryker) star in the 4th film by indie horror ICON Richard Tanner. Sit back, relax, and poke a hole in the bottom of your popcorn bucket because once these tales get started there is no happy ending.
Банда Далтонов
После убийства брата Боб, Эммет и Граттон Далтон присоединяются к местному департаменту шерифа. Но вскоре разочаровываются в законе и переходят на другую сторону, начиная грабить поезда и банки.
Rocket Hunter
In one of the most dangerous missions of the war, an American B-17 pilot volunteers to fly a surrendered Messerschmitt 109 on a daring flight through the heart of Germany to try to prevent the people of London from being terrorized by the V-2 rockets. "Rocket Hunter" tells the story of an amazing pilot and his bombardier brother from the time they are teenagers dreaming of taking to the skies to the dark days of January 1945.
Перехитрить палача
Michael O'Reilly
1867 год. В последствии того как в перестрелке тринадцатилетний сын шерифа убивает преступника, застрелившего его отца, мальчишку приговаривают к казни через повешение. В следствии вмешательства губернатора штата смертную казнь подменяют двадцатью годами в каторжной тюрьме без возможности досрочного освобождения. И вот выйдя из заключения Элайджа вернется в свой городок. Сумеет ли он простить людей, сломавших ему жизнь, либо безжалостно отплатит обидчикам?
Old Man of the Rooks
Gordon, Scarecrow
When an ancient evil descends on Rookery Farm, a newlywed couple find out what "til death do us part" really means when they are visited by the Old Man of the Rooks.
The War Riders
cheap ass civil war movie
A Confederate Civil War captain faces challenges as the Union army storms through South Carolina, destroying everything in its path. When he is sent to the front lines his home life suffers, which only compounds the soldier's troubles.
Shock 2000: Snuff Perversions Part II
A collection of fake snuff (people REALLY being killed) clips from different directors. The producers claim it's so realistic they were actually investigated by the FBI and Crime Scene Investigators who thought one of the murders was the real thing.