Rhys Olivia Cote

Rhys Olivia Cote


Rhys is known for being the "snail whisperer" on Little Big Shots with host Mr. Steve Harvey and her role with Mr. Denzel Washington in The Equalizer 2. She started in modeling at the age of 3 1/2 after she placed in top 15 for her age group on the Live with Kelly and Michael show. Rhys has done several campaigns such as; Tommy Hilfiger Global, Oscar de la Renta, Pottery Barn Kids, Laura Ashley and more. She's also been in a handful of commercials. Her passion is for acting and she continues to pursue that dream. Rhys is involved in school plays, she takes Ukuele, piano, art, vocal and acting lessons. Rhys loves sea life and all animals. She has a huge heart and if we would allow it she would bring every little sea creature and animal home to live with us. She loves to visit elderly people in the nursing home. She will sing, talk or just give a friendly hello. She truly loves to entertain and was blessed with the gift to make everyone happy.


Rhys Olivia Cote
Rhys Olivia Cote
Rhys Olivia Cote
Rhys Olivia Cote


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