An ardent culture-vulture youth, previously charged for the murder of a woman when he was young, plans to hold hostage a local bank.
The president of the Japanese National Railways is found dead during a period in which train service is plagued by numerous layoffs, strikes and shutdowns. The government says that the president was murdered; the police claim it was a suicide. A quizzical reporter follows the case for years, but the basic question remains unanswered: was the victim killed by members of the burgeoning Communist movement in Japan, or was the death stage-managed by the authorities in hopes of discrediting the Communists?
На лесной тропинке бандит напал на господина, убил его и похитил его красавицу-жену. Хитрая и безжалостная красотка согласилась жить с победителем в его хижине, но поставила условие – уж если он не может отпустить её в город, он должен город доставить к ней. Так в городке объявляется таинственный убийца, похищающий головы своих жертв, а плененная красавица получает свою жуткую забаву.
Kidnapped and rescued by a Ninja, Fujimaru has mastered martial arts over the years. Now he sets off on a journey to find his mother and also locate an old tome containing secret martial arts techniques.