Kigen Kinoshita


Midnight Virgin
Assistant Director
Chie (Sanae Ōhori), newly arrived in Tokyo, saves her friend from school, Mari (Annu Mari), from a suicide attempt. The two girls become close, eventually leading to a lesbian relationship. Their affair drifts into sadism and involvement with a bizarre sex cult, resulting in the deaths of the two lovers.
The Start of Life
Assistant Director
A young girl in an industrial town is saving her money to enter college. But her drunken father loses his job, her mother cannot make ends meet, and then the boy she likes loses everything when his factory fails. She takes all her savings out of the bank and offers them to him to make a new start. He refuses at first but eventually agrees and so she goes back to school to tell her teacher that she has decided not to continue college, that she is young and strong, and can make her own way in life.
Как я тебя ненавижу!
Assistant Director
Популярный участник телевизионных шоу Дайсаку Кита известен по всей стране. Его окружают толпы поклонников. Они заключили с его менеджером Норико странное соглашение: чтобы сберечь свежесть чувств, они не будут заниматься сексом и даже не будут целовать друг друга. Однако такие отношения им только в тягость, Дайсаку постепенно перестаёт понимать, ради чего он живёт. В этот момент он встречает в Токио девушку, которая полюбила врача, живущего в далёкой деревне на Кюсю. Ради любви девушка купила для возлюбленного старенький джип, но не знает, как переправить его на другой конец страны.
A Turning to Hell
Assistant Director
Maki, a porter at the Sakura Hotel, finds a body in Room No. 2 and picks up a piece of paper on which is written "one-third of the key", also the part of a key. From a newspaper he learns that the dead man is an official who has been detained as a suspect in a bribery case involving 150,000,000 yen and that another suspect named Matsunaga is still in custody. Maki realizes that if he can obtain the other two-thirds of the key, he will be a multi-millionaire.