Mac Montero


Мег 2
Third Assistant Director
Агент Джонни Инглиш 3.0
Second Unit Director
Когда все агенты секретной службы Её Величества внезапно выходят из строя, в игру вступает запасной вариант. Образец английского стиля и любимец роковых красоток; король безвыходных ситуаций и хранитель аналоговых традиций в цифровом мире, агент Джонни Инглиш – боль и гордость британской разведки. Этому парню есть что взбалтывать, и он взболтает не по-детски.
The Agency
The Agency is a cold place, a place where the sound of distant machines at work is heard only because of the silence that otherwise reigns amongst its white walls. But Mrs. Hold cares little about the silence. She knows The Agency is the best place to purchase a husband, and so this morning when she got ready, she thought it would be fun to head down and make some choices.
The Agency
The Agency is a cold place, a place where the sound of distant machines at work is heard only because of the silence that otherwise reigns amongst its white walls. But Mrs. Hold cares little about the silence. She knows The Agency is the best place to purchase a husband, and so this morning when she got ready, she thought it would be fun to head down and make some choices.
The Agency
The Agency is a cold place, a place where the sound of distant machines at work is heard only because of the silence that otherwise reigns amongst its white walls. But Mrs. Hold cares little about the silence. She knows The Agency is the best place to purchase a husband, and so this morning when she got ready, she thought it would be fun to head down and make some choices.