Georges Vaglio


Sound Recordist
About the history of the French region of Lorraine, called Lothringen in German.
Cézanne – Conversation with Joachim Gasquet
A landmark work of symbolistic imagery. The words that the filmmakers speak offscreen are imaginary conversation with Cézanne quoted from a critique by Joachim Gasquet. An exchange of memories spanning over 250 years interweaves everything from the philosophy of Empedocles to excerpts from the film Madame Bovary, to extant paintings by Cézanne, to the buildings of the artists’ village at Mont Sainte-Victoire. —
The Death of Empedocles
Sound Recordist
Film adaptation by Straub and Huillet of Hölderlin's 1798 tragedy on the symbolic death of Empedoclus, the legislator in Ancient Greece.
The Unsewing Machine
Sound Assistant
The insane Doctor Enger is obsessed with his plan to build a hospital to cure blind children, and goes on a killing and kidnapping spree with the police in pursuit.
Class Relations
Sound Recordist
A young man, recently arrived in New York from Europe, becomes swept up in a series of events that are beyond his knowledge or control.
Sound Designer
Harry is a young millionaire on holiday; he takes his yacht to a Greek island, and stays in the mansion of his friend...
From the Clouds to the Resistance
Sound Recordist
'Dalla nube alla resistenza (From the Cloud to the Resistance ) (1978), based on two works by Cesare Pavese, falls into the category of History Lessons and Too Early, Too Late as well. It, too, has two parts—a twentieth-century text and a text regarding the myths of antiquity, each set in the appropriate landscape. Pavese's The Moon and the Bonfires looks back on the violent deaths of Italian anti-Fascist resistance fighters; Dialogues with Leucò is a series of dialogues between heroes and gods, connecting myth and history and returning to an ambiguous stage in the creation of distinctions, such as that between animal and human, which are fundamental to grammar and language itself. Such a juxtaposition of political engagement with profoundly contemplative issues such as myth, nature, and meaning points to the characters of Empedocles and Antigone in the Hölderlin films.' (From "Landscapes of resistance. The German Films of Danièle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub" by Barton Byg)
Маленький купальщик
Sound Assistant
Крупный судостроительный магнат Луис-Филипп Форшом опрометчиво выгоняет своего ведущего конструктора Кастанье после того, как один из его кораблей тонет прямо во время церемонии спуска. Однако скоро Форшом узнает, что яхта, спроектированная Кастанье, выиграла престижную регату в Сан-Ремо. Форшом бросается на поиски своего бывшего служащего, заваленного теперь предложениями от конкурентов, чтобы вернуть его любыми средствами.