Vitali Rosstalnoy


Освобожденный русскими из концлагеря «Аушвиц» в Польше, Примо отправляется в родную Италию. Война закончилась, но это еще не был мир. Еще предстояла долгая дорога и возрождение забытых чувств: благодарности, и любви.
Shchedryy vechir
A sequel to the story "Гуси-Лебеді летять" ("Geese-swans fly"), about the life of one of the villages of Podillya - an optimistic story of Mikhail, whose childhood was spent in happiness and hope, despite the constant troubles that plagued his family. Together with his girlfriend Lyuba, the hero believes in a happy happy life, which his father Sebastian affirms with his deeds.