Self (archive footage)
Documentary about James Stewart's long career as an actor and positive personal life.
Gen. Barnicke
Джон Уингер в один ужасный день потерял работу, лишился машины, расстался со своей квартирой и с любимой девушкой. Как жить дальше? Джон принимает волевое решение пойти добровольцем в армию и уговаривает своего друга Рассела присоединиться к нему. Армия — лучшее место для настоящих мужчин, готовых на все ради своей страны! Кроме того, наши герои надеются с помощью армии стать настоящими магнитами для красавиц, которых во все времена притягивали военная выправка и доблесть. Итак, двое патриотов поступают на службу в армию, и вопрос уже не в том, смогут ли они что-то сделать для страны, а в том, сможет ли страна вынести то, что они сделают для нее.
In this western, a sheriff gets tired of upholding the law and retires to a quiet ranch. Unfortunately, he ends up saving his homesteader neighbors from a corrupt Wyoming land grabber.
The Farm Foreman
Тысячи искателей лучшей доли прибывают в начале столетия на плодородные земли Техаса, где уродился невиданный урожай. Среди переселенцев и двое любовников, выдающих себя за брата и сестру. А когда фермер влюбляется в эту красивую женщину, то любовники решают затеять с ним рискованную игру…
Demas Scott
A Western adventure — a "Charlie's Angels" on horseback — involving three comely females who meet in a territorial prison, engineer a daring escape, and find themselves in a race against time to prevent the assassination of Teddy Roosevelt.
Deaks (as Robert Wilke
Jody Deakes joins up with his father after many years, just to discover that his dad is part of an outlaw gang on the run from a relentless bounty hunter named Santee. Jody is orphaned soon after Santee catches up to the gang, and follows Santee in hopes of taking vengeance for his father's death. Instead, however, Jody discovers that Santee is a good and loving man, tormented by the death of his young son at the hands of another outlaw gang. Santee and his wife take Jody in and a father and son relationship begins to grow. Then the gang that shot Santee's son shows up. The film was produced by Edward Platt of Get Smart fame. It was one of the first motion pictures to be shot electronically on videotape and then transferred to film.
The Sheriff
Little Richie Bridgestone goes to spend the weekend with his father at his secluded mountain cabin, and witnesses his father being attacked by 'a creature' that the boy recognizes as a werewolf. He tries to convince his mother and his therapist that his father is now a werewolf.
Sheriff Rex Brandon
Окружной прокурор небольшого городка обременен несколькими крупными расследованиями, включая убийство азартного игрока и возможную страховую аферу.
Hugh Fielding
A U.S. Senator is spirited away to a secret New Mexico medical lab after a serious car crash. His injuries are completely healed by a secret organization that has developed advanced medical technology. What does the organization want in exchange for saving his life? Meanwhile, a reporter who witnessed the accident decides to investigate the senator's disappearance.
Marshal Tom Cater
Вестерн-драма о двух стареющих ганфайтерах, которыми манипулирует с виду мирное и спокойное общество, на самом деле жаждущее кровопролития.
Corey Bannister
Техасский ковбой Джон О«Харлан получает письмо, извещающее о том, что он унаследовал коммерческое предприятие под названием »Общественный клуб города Шайенн». Джон, надеясь что он может, наконец, покончить с кочевой жизнью и стать богачом, вместе с приятелем Харли О`Салливаном отправляется знакомиться со своей новоявленной собственностью. Каково же было его удивление, когда оказалось, что под приличной вывеской «скрывается» бордель во главе с привлекательной красоткой Дженни.
Оправившись от потрясения Джон первым делом желает перепрофилировать бордель в пансионат, но неожиданно воспротивились узнавшие об этом жители города. Неизвестно чем бы в итоге всё закончилось так как местный забияка Кори Баннистер затевает драку в борделе и, в результате, вмешавшийся в это дело Джон, убивает дебошира. В ответ целый клан Баннистеров собирается что бы отомстить. А Джону и его другу Харли приходится защищать себя, Дженни и остальных девушек из «Общественного клуба города Шайенн».
A man who has lost everything joins others paid to convey a wealthy man's wife - and a mysterious treasure - to safety in San Francissco.
Ralph Turpin
Частный детектив Тони Роум — в прошлом самый крутой полицейский в Майами. Ему неведом страх, он не отступает перед трудностями и беспощаден к преступникам. Для него главное — закон и справедливость. Однажды Роум сталкивается с непростым делом — богатый бизнесмен просит его найти брошь с бриллиантами, которую его дочь потеряла при весьма странных обстоятельствах. Занимаясь поисками драгоценных камней, сыщик все больше погружается в тайны семейства и оказывается в самом эпицентре опасных событий. Но он не намерен отступать, пока не доведет дело до конца…
Jeff Nicks
A cowboy named Clint bonds with a beautiful wild stallion that he trains, but after the two are separated and the horse ends up in a rodeo, Clint is determined to set it free.
Chief Five Barrels
В Денвер направляется поезд с виски для шахтеров. Но добраться до цели непросто: Лига трезвости, кавалерия США и местные индейцы одновременно пытаются взять под контроль ценный груз.
Через пять минут после взлета в аэропорту Лос-Анджелеса разбивается авиалайнер с пятьюдесятью тремя пассажирами на борту. Выживает одна стюардесса. Сразу же появляется множество версий причин авиакатастрофы: от техногенных до возможной диверсии. Позиция самого авиаперевозчика — пилот Джек Сэвидж был пьян. Однако такая «официальная» версия совсем не устраивает Сэма МакБейна. В военное время МакБейн был вторым пилотом у Сэвиджа, а теперь сменил штурвал самолета на руководящую работу в авиакомпании. Несмотря на то, что в последнее время у них с Сэвиджом были непростые отношения, МакБейн решает доказать всем, что Джек не виновен,…. в ущерб собственному повышению по службе.
Technician Mike Newton (as Robert Wilke)
A private investigator endures the rigors of an insane asylum in order to locate $1 million in stolen loot.
Johnny Flanders
Gunslinger Rory Calhoun dispenses his own brand of justice in this action-packed Western adventure costarring Rod Cameron and Ruta Lee. It's been three years since gunfighter Blaine Madden (Calhoun) visited his hometown. So when he warns the Sully brothers to stop harassing the town drunk, they shoot the old man dead, not realizing he's Madden's father. Killing them both, Madden is badly wounded by the sheriff (Cameron) but escapes to an outlaw haven where the law fears to tread and prepares what may be his last stand. Written by Jo Heims (Play Misty for Me), The Gun Hawk was the final film directed by Edward Ludwig, whose nearly 50-year career spanned over 100 shorts, TV episodes and features, including the John Wayne hits The Fighting Seabees, Wake of the Red Witch and Big Jim McLain.
Ben Matthews
A judge in a murder trial, believing the defendant is innocent, sets out to find the real killer.
Guard captain
72 год до Рождества Христова, эпоха жестоких завоеваний и безраздельного владения античным миром. Захваченные имперскими центурионами территории служили для римских хозяев источником получения все новых и новых рабов. Одному из них суждено было бросить вызов машине порабощения. Проданный в рабство еще ребенком Спартак прошел тяжелый путь лишений и истязаний, который только закалил его и сделал великим воином. Этот человек стал предводителем грандиозного восстания рабов, вошедшего в историю человечества.
В маленькой деревушке крестьяне годами страдают от бесчинств местных бандитов. Их главарь Калвера держит в страхе всю округу, мучая ее жителей постоянными поборами и наказаниями. И однажды крестьяне решают нанять себе защитников — семерых вооруженных всадников во главе с бритоголовым Крисом. Великолепная семерка быстро наводит порядок, но Калвейре все же удается бежать. И тогда поимка злодея и его соратников становится делом чести великолепной семерки.
Billy the Kid Blake
The town of Primrose, Arizona is beset by outlaws, so the towns people hire Fletcher Bissell III (A.K.A. The Silver Dollar Kid) as their new sheriff. Fletcher is so cowardly the townsfolk are sure that the local outlaws will be too proud to gun him down. This proves to be the case, and the outlaws hire their own cowardly gunfighter, Chicken Farnsworth, to go up against The Silver Dollar Kid. Written by Jim Beaver
Director Charles Lederer's 1959 musical stars James Cagney as an unscrupulous longshoreman who'll resort to every dirty trick in the book to win his union's presidency.
Грубоватый фермер Линк Джонс оказывается посреди пустыни в компании привлекательной танцовщицы и картежника после того, как поезд, на котором они ехали, был ограблен.
Three escaped prisoners return to the site of a robbery to find the stolen money that was never recovered. Western.
In the 1930s, once-great World War I pilot Roger Shumann performs as a daredevil barnstorming pilot at aerial stunt shows while his wife, LaVerne, works as a parachutist. When newspaper reporter Burke Devlin arrives to do a story on the Shumanns’ act, he quickly falls in love with the beautiful--and neglected--LaVerne.
После того, как Грант Маклэйн, работающий охранником на железной дороге, не смог задержать грабителя, его уволили. Он стал зарабатывать на жизнь игрой на аккордеоне. Неожиданно он получает предложение от Бэна Кимбела, шэфа ЖД, вернуться на старое место работы, так как банда Уайта три раза подряд ограбила поезда, везущие зарплату рабочим. Бэн Кимбэл поручает ему доставку $10000...
Tom Ellis (as Robert Wilke)
An out-of-work reporter (Leslie Nielsen) seeks out a bank robber, and his bride (Colleen Miller) has to rescue him.
Matt Rankin
An outlaw is left for dead by his gang after being shot. A year later, he is released from jail with one thing on his mind: Revenge.
Dan Willis
Кайл Хэдли — вечно все делающий неправильно сын техасского магната Джаспера Хэдли, чей клан начинает рушиться из-за его наследников, стремящихся ни к чему, кроме собственных удовольствий.
Joe Graycoe
A rancher's (George Montgomery) foreman (Peter Graves) schemes against him on a cattle drive from Oregon to Wyoming.
Neal (as Robert Wilke)
Картежника Бена Мэтьюса обвиняют в убийстве, которого он не совершал, он должен найти настоящего убийцу до того, как провоцируемая истинным убийцей, толпа, расправится с ним...
Sile Doty
Орегон, начало ХХ века. Землевладелец Монтгомери держит в своей власти всю деревню. Он выпустил закон, носящий его имя: по этому закону любая женщина будет до смерти принадлежать тому мужчине, кто первый овладеет ею; таким образом, мужчина делает ее своей собственностью. После того как его собственную жену насилуют, Монтгомери линчует подозреваемого, хотя на самом деле этот человек не виновен в этом преступлении. Брат погибшего приезжает в деревню, вознамерившись отомстить и убить Монтгомери. Три друга, из которых один - подлинный преступник, убивают друг друга за право воспользоваться "законом Монтгомери" в случае, если мститель добьется своей цели. Но Монтгомери убивают индейцы, и его вдова достается мстителю.
Jeff Welker
Отец Джима Слейтера, которого Джим никогда не знал, погибает в стычке с апачами в долине Хила. Джим ищет единственного выжившего человека, который якобы отправился за помощью, но бесследно исчез. Вместе с ним исчезло и золото, найденное отцом Джима и его товарищами в долине Хила...
Джон Рейд, Техасский рейнджер, единственный среди друзей чудом выживший в жестокой засаде, брошен умирать в пустыне. Но случайно оказавшийся неподалеку индеец своими заговорами и травами выхаживает раненого, после чего тот становится ярым мстителем для убийц своих товарищей.
Ben Thompson
Former buffalo hunter and entrepreneur Wyatt Earp arrives in the lawless cattle town of Wichita Kansas. His skill as a gun-fighter makes him a perfect candidate for Marshal, but he refuses the job until he feels morally obligated to bring law and order to this wild town.
Bentley (as Robert Wilke)
a deputy U.S. Marshall pursue the gang of Ben Thompson after the murder of another marshall. Along with a bounty hunter and a half-breed woman they follow the trail into Apache territory.
There's a new doctor in old Santa Fe, and it's Greer Garson. Director Mervyn LeRoy's 1955 western also stars Dana Andrews, Cameron Mitchell, Lois Smith, Walter Hampden, Pedro Gonzales-Gonzales, Earl Holliman, Adele Jergens, Robert Wilke, Frank DeKova, Nick Adams, Douglas Kennedy, Ralph Moody and Louise Lorimer.
First Sergeant Daly (as Robert Wilke)
Капитан Харпер приезжает в форт, осажденный индейцами народа Юты. Очевидной причиной осады является желание ютов освободить армейского дезертира капитана Бретта Холлидея, который перешел на их сторону, и был арестован комендантом форта. Но Бретт рассказывает о себе совершенно другую историю. У небольшой группы выживших остается единственный шанс на спасение — отправиться на лодках вниз по дикой, неизведанной реке, где Харперу и Холлидею придется объеденить свои силы против бешеного течения и индейских стрел.
First Mate of the Nautilus
На календаре 1868 год и весь Сан-Франциско взбудоражен поступающими сообщениями о плавающем под водой огромном чудовище, которое может сожрать любое судно, если оно к нему приближается. Многие плавания отменены, и правительство вынуждено послать военный корабль исследовать и очистить море от «чудищ». Корабль этот был потоплен неизвестным «существом», и только троим чудом удалось спастись: профессональному гарпунисту, профессору из Морского музея в Париже и его помощнику. Их вытаскивают из воды на эту чуду-юду, которое оказывается подводной лодкой Капитана Немо, ученого, изобретателя и радикального борца за мир. Он топит корабли с благородной целью покончить с войной на бескрайних водах мирового океана…
Moore - Outlaw (as Robert Wilke)
In the last of his four western programmers for Allied Artists, Wayne Morris plays frontiersman Jim Bisby. Mistaken for a notorious gunslinger, Jim is appointed deputy sheriff of a wide-open cattle town. Playing along, our hero gets down to business -- and by the time his true identity is revealed, it hardly matters, since most of the bad guys are pushing up daisies on boot hill. Beverly Garland turns in another exceptional performance as the heroine, while Morris Ankrum, Roy Barcroft and I. Stanford Jolley fulfill their usual responsibilities. Two Guns and a Badge is of historical interest as the very last "B"-grade "series" western ever produced in Hollywood.
Hort Moran (as Robert Wilke)
Cruze arrives in town and when he stands up to the three Moran brothers, he gets appointed Marshal. First the brothers kill a rancher while framing another man. But when the jailer is murdered, Cruze gets evidence the Morans did it. He tries to raise a posse to chase them down but the townsmen refuse to go. So he rides off by himself to face the three of them.
В городок на границе США и Канады приезжает крепкий парень Джефф Уэбстер, для которого перегон скота является профессией и средством к существованию. Он берётся доставить крупное стадо из Сиэтла на Аляску. Однако ему не удаётся договориться о перевозке скота морем, и он решает перегонять стадо своим ходом. Проблема в том, что стадом решил завладеть нечистый на руку судья Гэннон, у которого на службе целая банда…
Trooper Grady
An Indian and his beautiful sister attempt to destroy a cavalry patrol trying to deliver a peace treaty to their chief.
Sgt. Stone
Director Charles Marquis Warren's 1953 western stars Charlton Heston and Jack Palance.
A hired hand gets caught between a noble rancher and ruthless land grabbers.
Wild Bill Elliott must escort a gang of killer cattleman who have been terrorizing homesteaders.
Wyatt - Henchman
When newcomers Whip and Bob break up a saloon fight they are made town Marshals. This puts then in the middle of the range war between large ranch owner Howard and the small ranchers. Everyone thinks Howard is the culprit but Whip believes otherwise.
Link - Henchman
The brother (House Peters Jr.) of rancher Bill Martin (Bill Elliott) is killed in a stampede started by cattleman. Bill returns to the Fargo country to take his brother's place and is welcomed by law-abiding cattleman MacKenzie (Jack Ingram)) and his daughter Kathy (Phyllis Coates). The leader of the ruthless cattle interests are townsman Austin (Arthur Space) and his henchmen Red (Myron Healey), Link (Robert J. Wilke) and Albord (Terry Frost). Bill has the idea of putting up barbed wire to keep the herds from been driven over the land cultivated by the farmers. He, aided by Tad Sloan (Fuzzy Knight), produces the wire by make-shift methods, but it proves effective. The cattleman charge in court that the wire is dangerous to their herds but lose the case. Austin orders his men to seize Bill, bale him in strands of the wire, and throw him on the stage of the town hall during a fall festival. Bill doesn't take kindly to this and it precipitates open war.
The governor of Texas sends a cowboy to keep the peace between ranchers and a land baron.
Sgt. Maj. Kearn
A man is framed and sent to the toughest prison in the territory.
Jim Pierce
Только что поженившись, Уилл и его прекрасная блондинка-квакерша Эми собираются навсегда покинуть городок, намереваясь оставить в прошлом опасную работу и обзавестись собственным ранчо, чтобы пустить корни. Однако, в городке узнают, что свирепый убийца Фрэнк Миллер должен очень скоро приехать в Хэдливиль и отомстить Уиллу и всему городу за то, что они засадили его в тюрьму несколько лет тому назад. Брат Миллера и еще два бандита-ганфайтера уже ждут поезд, на котором едет Миллер, а поезд должен прийти «ровно в полдень». В минуту паники, по совету друзей, Уилл покидает город вместе с невестой и скачет по дороге в открытые прерии, но внезапно останавливает коня. Когда Эми справшивает его, почему он остановился, Уилл говорит, что он должен вернуться, что в этом его долг.
Slab Babcock
Brand controls the only road to the cattle market and is charging exorbitant rates. Tim and Chito rob Brand to recover only their overcharge, but accidentally end up with all of Brand's money......
Clayton (as Robert Wilke)
When newlyweds visit Las Vegas, the wife's shady past comes to the surface.
Bellew - Henchman (as Robert Wilke)
Not to be confused with the 1929 film The Overland Telegraph, this Western from director Lesley Selander stars Tim Holt as a cowboy appropriately named Tim Holt. In order to hinder the construction of a new telegraph line for his own financial gain, scheming shopkeeper Paul Manning (George Nader) enlists the assistance of a gang of outlaws led by Brad Roberts (Hugh Beaumont in one of his many pre-Leave it to Beaver roles). Unfortunately for the bad guys, Holt and his cohort Chito Rafferty (Richard Martin) sense that there's foul play afoot and embark on an investigation.
Stoney Dawson (as Robert Wilke)
Recently released from prison, nice guy Dave Collins finds himself unwillingly mixed up with his old outlaw acquaintances Turk Thorne and his gang as they try to use his telegraphy talents to zero in on the arrival of a gold shipment on the local train. Taking a liking to Collins, cowboys Tim Holt and Chito Rafferty get him to agree to help set a trap for the train robbers
Andy Baylor
Two men are accused of killing their boss. They are saved from the hangman's noose when two other guys are arrested, but Holt feels as though justice is still not being served. On their own, they set about to track down the genuine killer.
Henchman Bunco (as Bob Wilke)
A late entry in Columbia's seemingly endless Durango Kid Western series, Cyclone Fury was augmented with a hefty dose of stock footage from an earlier Durango effort, Galloping Thunder (1946), footage that included sidekick Smiley Burnette warbling "Hear the Wind (Singing a Cowboy Song)" accompanied by Merle Travis and his Bronco Busters.
Jim Younger
After the North defeats the South, Union Maj. Jeff Clanton heads to Missouri to provide the Confederacy's Quantrill's Raiders a chance to claim allegiance to the Union, thereby clearing their wanted status. But standing in Clanton's way are the corrupt lawmen Joad and Fowler, who would rather keep the men outlaws to collect the reward on their heads. After Joad and Fowler frame Clanton for murder, he manages to escape, becoming an outlaw himself.
Henchman Winslow
Landry has Sam Martin killed. When Tim and Chito find Martin and his son, Chip says Matt Potter was responsible. But when Tim and Chito start their search, no ones knows a Matt Potter.
Henchman Hooker
A cattle inspector runs a rustling ring on the side.
Krag Benson
Federal agent Steve Lawton works undercover with his assistant, Smiley Burnette, to track down an outlaw gang that is raiding government gold shipments bound for Fort Navajo.
Duke Jackson / Keno Jackson (as Bob Wilke)
Charles Starrett once more hits the trail as "The Durango Kid" in Columbia's Across the Badlands. By now, the formula was a well-oiled machine: Starrett becomes a lawman, is challenged by the local criminal element, and ultimately goes beyond the law as the masked Durango.
Camel Driver
A desert guerilla, with flashing scimitar, opposes a tyrannical prince and marries the caliph's daughter.
Curt - Henchman (as Bob Wilke)
Our Hero is accused of a crime he didn't commit. Once again, he breaks jail to find the real culprits. And once again, he dons his Durango Kid disguise, whereupon stunt-double Jock Mahoney swings into action. Outcasts of Black Mesa is distinguished by the presence of a relative newcomer to the film game, leading lady Martha Hyer.
Deputy Sheriff Ed (as Bob Wilkie)
This film and the 1950 short "The Fargo Phantom" were edited together and released as a feature called "Tales of the West #2" in 1950.
A Los Angeles fire captain (Roy Roberts) sends an arson-squad rookie (George Cooper) undercover.
Sam - Henchman (as Bob Wilke)
Wyoming Dan (Trevor Bardette) returns home after 20 years evading the law for a crime he didn't commit, only to find his son on his deathbed. Seeking revenge for his son's murder, Dan enlists the help of Rocky Lane (Allan Lane), who poses as an outlaw to try to uncover the truth. When the duo manage to track down the killer, they find him armed to the teeth.
Cronin (uncredited)
A major Indian uprising is expected and Wyoming military posts are alerted. Colonel Dennison is meeting with Chief Eagle and his son Running Wolf when Chief Eagle is mysteriously shot. Steve Holden, an agent for the government peace commission, with the aid of a wandering shoemaker, Smiley, discover the troubles and the Chief's murder have been instigated by Cronin, the regimental scout, for personal gain for he and his gang of outlaws.
While on shore leave to celebrate his first anniversary, Lt. Peter Duluth (Warren Douglas) takes his wife, Iris (Audrey Long), to a Los Angeles hotel but is turned away. When mysterious Colette (Stephanie Bachelor) offers them her suite, the young couple becomes entangled in a murder plot. Aided by two PIs, Peter and Iris find two corpses and are desperate to locate Colette before she becomes the next victim, but the killers are one step ahead.
Terry O'Rourke, an American operating a small airline in Canada, is having a tough time making a go of it; he has to cope with unfavorable weather conditions, a rocky terrain, and a large Americam company determined to buy him out at their low price. In addition, one of his primary employees is working against him. One of his airplanes is transporting a cargo of gold and the pilot arranges for the gold to be stolen. He planned to parachute to safety, letting the airplane be looted when it crashed, but a co-worker cuts his parachute cord and he is killed. O'Rourke, with the air of one of his best pilots, Kay Cameron, sets out to track down the culprits.
Ed Noble (as Bob Wilke)
Carson City Raiders is a western film directed by Yakima Canutt in 1948. Rocky Lane (Allan Lane) wants to help Nugget Clark (Eddy Waller) save his freight line. Meanwhile, Dave Starky (Harold Goodwin) is impersonating the outlaw Fargo Jack (Steve Darrell). But why? There's a lot of confusion in Carson City in this Western about hidden identities. Who is truly behind the gang of stagecoach robbers?
Young artist Monte Crandell is being sued for an unauthorized caricature. To escape arrest, he disguises himself as a mystic, only to conjure up a genuine ghost during a seance. Things come to a head during his trial, where the invisible ghost takes the witness stand on Our Hero's behalf.
A private detective is offered a job protecting a rich business man from suspected blackmail. Before he can accept the case a murder is uncovered.
Station Wagon Driver
Ernie Reardon, the superintendent, and Bill O'Hara, the foreman, of a construction company crew working on a bridge to a remote valley, are constantly quarreling over small and minor matter, especially when it comes to Peg Mallory, whom both men are romancing and Peg enjoys the attention. Thed work is suspended when a worker is killed, but a flood is approaching and the valley citizens are in dire straits unless the bridge is completed - in a hurry.
Knife-Throwing Henchman (uncredited)
Freight wagons are being stolen and ransomed back to their owners. Government agent Steve Langtry (and his alter ego the Durango Kid) is sent break up the Hood Gang that's behind the robberies.
GI Buddy (uncredited)
Two ex-soldiers return from overseas--one of them having smuggled into the country a French orphan girl he has become attached to. They wind up running into their old sergeant--who hates them--and getting involved with a race-car builder who's trying to find backers for a new midget racer he's building.
Gene and Pokie are on vacation in Mexico when they learn that their buddy Dusty has been bumped off.
Starter (uncredited)
When his employer goes to Florida, a butler masquerades as a millionaire and winds up marrying an heiress.
Police Officer Cummings (as Bob Wilke)
A fresh-faced young detective gets set up, framed for murder, and alibied by a smart blonde.
A homesick American soldier stationed in England during World War II makes an unauthorized trip to see his wife and returns to England with only two people knowing he was home for a few hours. When she learns that she is pregnant, she does not disclose that her husband had paid her a visit as to not get him into trouble. The townspeople are unanimous in their condemnation of her. But, after his discharge, he enlists the aid of a nightclub singer, the only other person who knew he came home.
Hogan's Driver
Police Chief Jim Murphy, in a crime-ridden city, deputizes newspaper-reporter Sam Wire, to work as an undercover operative to rid the town of the gangster element. Sam taunts and tricks the two leading gangsters, a mob girl, 'Silk" Cantrell, and a bribe-taking police official, into setting ambushes and death-traps for him, which backfire on them, and achieve his assignment directive.
Police Sergeant
An advertising man's new campaign for a fashion designer attracts the attention of mysterious characters.
Deputy Marshal (uncredited)
After some gun play with a posse, the James Gang head for Quinto in a section of land which is not a part of America. Anyone there is beyond the law so the town is populated with outlaws. Next to arrive is Sheriff Rowley, following his brother whom the Gang have brought in injured. Rowley has no authority and gets on well enough with the James boys but is soon involved in other local goings-on, including a move to vote for annexation with Oklahoma which would allow the law well and truly in.
The Catman
When author Charles Regnier (Carl Esmond) returns to Paris with a best-selling book that criticizes the government, he's tormented by frequent blackouts. After a mysterious cat-like creature slaughters people close to him, Charles is suspected of murder. Charles fears that he is the beast, but his paramour, Marie (Lenore Aubert), and best friend, Henry (Douglass Dumbrille), believe he's innocent ... until the creature begins to stalk Marie (from Netflix description).
Smoke - Henchman (as Bob Wilke)
Sunset returns to find the Carson-Sterling feud still going. Sterling has been killed and it's not long before Andrew Carson is murdered. To end the feud Sunset challenges Martin Sterling to a shootout. Unknown to Sunset, Martin's sister Melinda has waylaid her brother and now appears for the shootout disguised in her brother's clothes.
Curley Roberts
The story involves a rather odd flashback by Dale who is visiting El Dorado, home of her grandmother. She dreams about her grandmother's adventures including a romance with a cowboy who looks very much like Roy. Roy, of course, also exists in the present for Dale.
Sunset Carson is a wandering cavalier who rides into the Badlands. Hallie Wayne is bedeviled by bandits who've been raiding the livestock of her ranch.
In this drama, an aspiring playwright gets a job in a New York City restaurant favored by celebrities in hopes of getting a break. Unfortunately, most of them believe that the waiter lacks the talent to make it big. Only an aspiring songwriter, and a former waitress who has become a famous Hollywood radio star, really believe in him. When the ex-waitress drops by the restaurant to say hello, she and the others decide to play a trick on an arrogant producer by making him believe the waiter has written a sure-fire hit. They succeed and the producer puts on the show. The singer gets to be the star. When the show becomes a smash, everyone is surprised. Songs include: "Hitchhike To Happiness," "For You And Me," "Sentimental," and "My Pushover Heart."
Dave MacRoy (as Bob Wilke)
Bill Harmon receives a letter from his partner, Dave MacRoy informing him of a rich gold strike in their California mine. Arriving there, Bill learns from elderly miner John Benton that Dave is dead and that he sold the mine at a strangely low price the night before his supposed accidental death. Harmon suspects murder.
Governor Price sends Sunset Carson to investigate a smuggling ring which is baffling the Border Patrol. Newspaper woman Ann Morton is working incognito in the saloon waiting for a break on ...
Henchman Steve
After the Civil War, veteran Jim Christi (Allan Lane) returns to Texas, where he is unjustly accused of murder. In flashback, Mr. Christi relates the story of his father Corpus Christi Jim. After robbing a stage, Jim and partners Rocky and Steve decide to go straight and return the money. But the fourth member of the gang, Spade refuses and leaves. The two former partners soon find themselves on opposite sides of the law.
Cab Driver
Broadway producer Earl Carroll was a Ziegfeld-like entrepreneur who staged lavish revues featuring attractive young ladies. Carroll's annual "Vanities" provided story material for three Hollywood films: Murder at the Vanities (34), A Night at Earl Carroll's (40) and Earl Carroll Vanities (45). This last film was produced by Republic Pictures, a bread-and-butter studio specializing in Westerns and serials; Republic had made musicals before, but few of them were expensive enough to allow for lavish production numbers. Earl Carroll Vanities is likewise rather threadbare, though some of the individual musical highlights aren't bad. The plot, such as it is, concerns financially strapped nightclub owner Eve Arden, who finagles Earl Carroll into staging one of his revues at her club.
Henchman Dobie
Sunset Carson rides into the town of Cimarron looking for his brother and the crooks who framed him for cattle rustling. When he's made sheriff, he struggles to keep order in a place overrun by thieves and liars. Cimarron is a wild town overrun by outlaws. Sunset, who was framed as a cattle rustler, has just been released from prison after 3 years when he winds up in Cimarron.
Tom and Cora Elliott love their active social life so much that they neglect their daughter Mary and son Les. Fred Mason, Tom's neighbor and the doctor at the defense plant employing Tom, worries about the effect that Tom and Cora's drinking and socializing have on the children....
Bill (as Bob Wilke)
This "Red Ryder" entry stars Gordon "Wild Bill" Elliot as Ryder. The heroine (Linda Stirling) is having troubles with the freight company that she owns. Time and again, her coaches are beset by hooded thieves. With Red Ryder on the job, the robbers haven't got a chance, but they put up a fight anyway.
Bradley - Henchman (as Bob Wilke)
Bringing his large cattle herd to Sundown, rancher Tex Jordan must sell his cattle to corrupt baron Jack Hatfield. He does OK but learns Hatfield is cheating the small outfits. When one refuses to sell he is murdered and Tex then decides to stay and take up the fight. He is appointed a special Agent by the Governor but unknonw to him the Governor's Secretary is a spy for Hatfield and reveals his plans.
Just after the Oklahoma Panhandle was annexed into the united states an ex-lawman turned newspaper man arrives to town to civilize it. He brings along Frog, a photographer and Sunset Carson as muscle. The seedy element in the territory doesn't want law and order and they plot against them and try to stop Sunset Carson being sheriff.
Henchman (as Bob Wilke)
A geologist has found oil on the neighboring ranches and teams up with Ace who has his gang create a reign of terror to get the ranchers to sell out. But to get rid of Red Ryder, Ace sends for the San Antonio Kid. Arriving, the Kid has a freak accident and Red comes along to save his life. When the Kid later meets with Ace he learns that Red is the man he has been paid to kill. Written by Maurice Van Auken
The election to determine if Texas will become a state is near and men opposed are running contraband across the border. Sunset and Frog are Border Patrolmen and have an agent that tips them off by carrier pigeon. The Army arrives and the commander is Sunset's brother. When the agent is found out and murdered, his fake replacement then leads the soldiers astray.
Deputy Jim
Cowboy Sunset Carson teams up with Frog Millhouse on a routine supply trip to Placer City. Before long, the duo find themselves ambushed by a team of dastardly highwaymen embroiled in an extortion ring. Sunset and Frog must then go undercover to set things right for a mining town under siege. Galloping hooves, spittin' six shooters, and all manner of disreputable behavior ensue.
Townsman (uncredited)
Chip has inherited a supposedly worthless gold mine from her father and Craig Allen is about to buy it. Roy suspects the mine may be valuable and using a clue left by Chip's father, investigates. He finds the hidden shaft that contains the gold and with the posse chasing him on a trumped up robbery charge, races to town with ore samples hoping to get there before the ownership is transferred.
Lawyer Leland is using land rights to kick the ranchers off their land. When Wild Bill and Gabby arrive to help the ranchers, he has actor Percel frame them for murder and then incites the townsmen to lynch them.
Arriving Construction Worker (uncredited)
Эгоцентричный и трудолюбивый Уэдж Донован — владелец строительной компании, которая ведет реконструкции и строительство взлетных полос на островах Тихого океана во время Второй Мировой Войны. Однажды он узнает от лейтенанта Роберта Ярроу, что его безоружные рабочие убиты японцами. Решительно настроенные парни приезжают в Вашингтон с требованием получить оружие для обороны строек и организовать строительный батальон, который сможет не только строить, но и воевать. Правительственный чиновник отказывает быстро выдать оружие, мотивируя тем, что рабочие должны пройти годовой курс обучения. Раздосадованный Донован возвращается на остров, где продолжает свою опасную работу. Неожиданно на остров высаживается морской десант японцев. Агрессоры начинают теснить американские войска, обороняющие рубежи острова, и тогда Донован и его рабочие заводят моторы своих мощных тракторов, бульдозеров и экскаваторов, чтобы противостоять атаке «Самураев»…
Bank Customer
An Ohio bank clerk's life becomes a nightmare when his descriptions is a fit of a maniac killer.
Cutter Helmsman
Dick Tracy goes up against a villain known as The Ghost, who can turn himself invisible.
Carnival Spectator (uncredited)
To fight a poisonous weed, ranchers are burning their land. Gene is the Inspector brought in and he recommends spraying. The spraying goes well until the Larabee ranch is reached. When Larrabee refuses to allow the equipment on his land, Gene has it sprayed by airplane. Cattle must stay off recently sprayed land and when a Larrabee man shoots down the plane, the crash sends the cattle stampeding toward the newly sprayed land.
Calvin Drake employs a group of low-lifes to drive away land owners along the path of a new railroad; Red Ryder opposes this strategy.
Hillbilly (uncredited)
Aided by musicians at the Grand Ole Opry, a small-town mayor in the Ozarks takes on a group of crooked politicians.
The Weavers are share-croppers who confront their landlord with their tale of woe only to find he is in money trouble too. He also has a wastrel son and a socialite wife who wants a divorce. He begs the Weavers to trade places with him and fix things up.
Man on Wagon
The (pre-WWII) Army takes over a large area of land, over the objection of citizens and corporations who live and work there.
Escaped Prisoner 39013 impersonates the rich and influential Horace Granville, allowing him to create a variety of disasters. Fortunately, he is thwarted repeatedly by three daring circus daredevils.
Man in TV Studio
A news reporter-commentator at a combined radio-television broadcasting station gives up his stand against the election of a corrupt mayoral candidate after a gangster threatens his family. Features tidal wave stock footage from RKO's "Deluge" (1933), q.v.
An idealistic young newspaper reporter crusades against organized crime.
An elevator operator in a swanky apartment building falls in love with a homeless girl who sneaks in one night looking for a place to keep warm. In order to keep her near him, he wangles a job for her as a maid at the building.