Jerzy Kryszak

Jerzy Kryszak

Рождение : 1950-04-24, Kalisz, Poland


Jerzy Kryszak


How To Save Mom
Król Rybaków
With help from a witch, two siblings journey to a medieval land to find the mystical Golden Drops that can cure their ailing mother back at home.
The year is 1750. Europe is in a ravaged state following a plague. Victor Moritz and Rufolf de Sevre are gamblers, frequenters of elegant casinos and fashionable brothels. Rudolf is a young aristocrat, charming and charismatic. His degenerate behavior has an animal intensity. Victor, though leading the life of libertine, remains to one side. He is a man of a refined taste despite his low birth and buys his noble title thanks to his gambling skills. Victor and Rudolf have been inseparable friends for years. Then two young, beautiful and innocent people - a brother and sister - enter their life...
An Immoral Story
Reżyser Grzegorz
Told as a film within the film, the story concerns an aging actress. Ewa is a flamboyant, pushy actress whose career and love life have come to a dead end. She lives in a faceless housing development. She is totally engrossed in herself and dreams of making a comeback as a singer. But her overbearing personality time after time sets her into conflict with those she tries to work with in the theater and her bedroom.
Zelazna reka
Drama directed by Ryszard Ber.
New York, 4 A.M.
A sleepy provincial town with only one "Błysk" bar. If it weren't for the nearby prison, it would be forgotten to the world. This is how guests come. Agnieszka works in the bar and dreams of New York . Krzysiek and Józek love the girl. Józek tells her about a militia van carrying money.
Sonata marymoncka
Путешествия пана Кляксы
Magister Pigularz II
Продолжение фильма «Академия пана Кляксы». На этот раз в стране сказок произошли чрезвычайные события: таинственные силы украли бочку с волшебными чернилами, и стало нечем записывать сказки!
По книге Анатоля Франса… Первые века христианства. Монах, ушедший от мира в пустыню, никак не может забыть «звезду Александрии» красавицу Таис, язычницу и председательницу развратных оргий. Сама же Таис – начинает бояться будущего старения и неизбежной смерти. Нищий монашествующий проповедник отправляется в Александрию для встречи с блудницей и обещает ей Любовь и Жизнь вечную, если она отречётся от своего распутного образа жизни и примет крещение....
The Castellan's Daughter
Mężczyzna niepotrzebny!
The Issa Valley
diabeł Niemczyk
The film evokes a childhood in rural Lithuania between the wars. A country boy, Tomaszek, lives on a rich estate, situated on the Polish border. He realizes that the Issa Valley he lives in is to be torn apart by internal political conflicts and unrests among the mixed population of Poles, Lithuanians, Jews and Russians. He, however, is captivated by a paradise surrounding him, the forest, and his fantasies.
Daimler-Benz Limousine
Zemanek, nauczyciel biologii
Two brothers of German heritage live in the Polish town of Poznan. Michal is the sensitive brother who likes literature, Andrzej is the daredevil with no intellectual bent, and between the two of them, they steal the German consul's Daimler-Benz limousine, on a lark. When they are caught by the police, the German consul unexpectedly forgives them their prank -- but in the meantime, the episode has put the brothers in touch with a Nazi underground group who want to prepare the way for the pending German invasion (set to occur within a matter of days). Andrej helps the group kill the German consul and then they blame the death on the Poles -- giving the Germans an excuse to cross the border. Not only the consul, but "artistic" types like Michal are also killed for the same reasons. After these murders, Michal realizes his brother is no better than the group he joined, and decides to set his own course in the face of the rising threat of invasion.
The Big Picnic
Rysiek is an escapee from a reform school. Julek escapes the anger of a voluntarily fire brigade in a small town from which he embezzled. In search for food Rysiek breaks into a villa and discovers a bundle of cash in the freezer. They team together in Warsaw and decide to go on a rampage through the city.
Строго по приказу
Действие фильма происходит в 1943 году в оккупированной Польше. Подпольная организация выносит смертный приговор кровавому палачу оберштурмбанфюреру СС Форстеру. Привести его в исполнение должны члены сопротивления Смуглый и Нурек. Смуглый знакомится с любовницей Форстера певицей Кристиной Мюллер и влюбляется в неё, не подозревая, что очаровательная девушка, ответившая ему взаимностью, — давний агент гестапо… Знаете ли Вы, что... : Перевод оригинального названия — "Смертный приговор".
Мертвые бросают тень
Воспоминание участника польского Сопротивления о борьбе с фашистскими спецслужбами. Он чудом остался в живых после предательства начальника штаба подпольщиков — штатного осведомителя гестапо. Возмездие настигает предателя, по вине которого погибло много достойных бойцов, уже после войны, в одной из экзотических стран, где он чувствовал себя в полной безопасности.
Top Dog
Ryszard 'Rysiek' Przybylski
An ironic look at a climber who decides to do anything, including throwing mud at his best friend, to get a job he thinks will launch him into a better career.