Becky Read


The Greatest Night in Pop
Executive Producer
In 1985, 46 music icons, including Lionel Richie, Michael Jackson, Bruce Springsteen, Cyndi Lauper, Diana Ross, and Stevie Wonder, came together for the most star-studded recording session in history. This is the untold story of the legendary global pop song “We Are the World” — which very nearly didn’t happen.
'Twas the Fight Before Christmas
In this true-life twist on a holiday fable, Jeremy Morris brings a whole new meaning to Christmas spirit when his extravagant seasonal display sparks a dispute with his neighbors that lands them all in court.
Killer in Our Classroom: Never Again
Documentary following students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, in the aftermath of one of the worst mass school shootings in recent history.
Killer in Our Classroom: Never Again
Documentary following students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, in the aftermath of one of the worst mass school shootings in recent history.
Три одинаковых незнакомца
Благодаря невероятному совпадению три абсолютно незнакомых человека узнали, что они, оказывается, родились как тройняшки, но были разделены при рождении и отданы в разные приёмные семьи. Их история моментально стала сенсацией и превратила парней в настоящих звёзд, но вскоре суровая действительность сорвала покровы с тайны их происхождения.